
来源 :上海企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenjason886
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改革开放二十多年来,我国企业获得了快速发展,涌现出一大批不但在国内家喻户晓、而且在国际上也有较高知名度的成功企业。然而,在这些风光无限的成功企业背后,却还有一批企业因种种原因或陷入困境或销声匿迹,我们暂且称之为失败企业。研究成功企业的成功之道,可以为其他企业提供指导和借鉴;而分析失败企业的失败之因,则可以让其他企业引以为鉴,以免重蹈覆辙。以此为出发点,我们搜集了国内几十家不同所有制性质、不同行业、不同规模、不同发展阶段具有代表性的失败企业,从其自身经营管理和外部环境两方面进行了研究分析,总结出了我国失败企业之原因的一些共性问题。 In the two decades since the reform and opening up, Chinese enterprises have witnessed rapid development, and a large number of successful enterprises have emerged that are not only well-known in the country but also have a high international reputation. However, behind these successful and successful enterprises, there are still a number of enterprises that are either in difficulties or disappearing for various reasons. We will now call them the failed enterprises. Studying the success of successful companies can provide guidance and reference to other enterprises. Analyzing the causes of failure of failed enterprises can help other enterprises learn from them so as not to repeat the same mistakes. Taking this as a starting point, we have collected dozens of failed enterprises with different ownership types, industries, scales and stages of development in different degrees in China. We have conducted a research and analysis from two aspects of their own operation and management and the external environment and concluded that Some Common Problems Reasons for the Failure of Our Country.
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