
来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biote | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaopingchina99
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目的:研究链格孢菌毒素能诱导中国月季植株产生对月季长管蚜的抗性,从而证实寄主植物介导的病虫互作关系的存在,并研究其互作机制。创新点:证实了一种对寄主植物和害虫均无毒性的真菌毒素能使寄主植物产生对昆虫的诱导抗性。方法:马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂(PDA)培养基培养链格孢菌获得毒素粗品,大孔树脂纯化后配制成不同浓度的溶液,喷施到中国月季植株上。处理结束后接种月季长管蚜,与对照相比,计算毒素处理对蚜虫的抑制百分数。用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)结合标准品分析毒素中是否存在细交链孢菌酮酸(TeA),并测定其含量。TeA同法处理中国月季植株,测定TeA对蚜虫的抑制率,并与毒素粗品比较。再通过HPLC法测定植物体表和体内残留的TeA,以证明TeA能自然降解完全。结论:(1)链格孢菌粗毒素和对照品TeA均能使中国月季植株产生对月季长管蚜的系统诱导抗性,显著降低月季长管蚜对中国月季的危害;(2)链格孢菌粗毒素中的主要抗蚜活性成分是TeA,TeA有望成为中国月季上具有抗蚜活性的先导化合物;(3)粗毒素和对照品TeA对蚜虫和植物均无伤害作用,但能激活植物对虫害的诱导抗性(ISR)和系统获得性抗性(SAR),可直接证实二者间存在着寄主植物介导的间接的病虫互作关系。 AIM: To investigate whether Alternaria toxin could induce the Chinese rose plant to produce resistance to C. avenae, so as to confirm the existence of host plant-mediated interaction and to study its interaction mechanism. Innovative point: Confirmation of a mycotoxin that is non-toxic to both host plants and pests provides the host plant with induced resistance to insects. Methods: The strain of Alternaria alternata was cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium to obtain the crude toxin. After the macroporous resin was purified, different concentrations of solution were prepared and sprayed on Chinese rose plants. After the treatment was inoculated with aphids, the percent inhibition of aphids on toxin treatment was calculated as compared to the control. Analysis of toxins in the toxins by the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with standards for the presence of penicillin (TeA) and determination of its content. TeA Chinese plants were treated with TeA, the inhibition rate of TeA against aphids was determined and compared with crude toxins. Then the residues of TeA in plant body surface and in vivo were determined by HPLC to prove that TeA could be naturally degraded completely. Conclusion: (1) Both Alternaria alternata and reference substance TeA can induce the Chinese rose plant to induce systemic resistance to the Chinese cabbage aphid, and significantly reduce the damage of the Chinese cabbage aphid against the Chinese rose. (2) The active ingredient of the main aphid in the spore toxin was TeA. TeA was expected to be the leading compound against aphid in Chinese rose. (3) The crude toxin and reference substance TeA had no effect on aphids and plants, but could activate plant Induced resistance to pests (ISR) and system-acquired resistance (SAR) directly confirmed the host-plant-mediated interaction between pests and diseases.
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