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  【随堂通Unit 1】
  Section A
  Ⅰ. 1. how often 2. hardly ever
   3. surf the Internet
   4. your favorite program
   5. go to the movies / go to a movie
   6. activity survey
  Ⅱ. 1~6 CBBCBB
  Ⅲ. 1~5 DDCAC 6~10 CBCDC
  Section B
  Ⅰ. 1.be good for health
   2. junk food 3. eating habit
   4. look after
   5. keep healthy / keep in good health
  Ⅱ. 1~6 DACCDC
  Ⅲ. 1~5 CABDA
  Self check
  Ⅰ. 1. a healthy lifestyle
   2. take more exercise
   3. tryto eat less meat
   4. try not to read in the sun
   5. how long
   6. try one’s best to study English well
   7. some time 8. help me study better
   9. 多久以后10. 某個时间
  Ⅱ. 1~7 BDACBBC
  Ⅲ. 1. most2. eating3. end4. away
   5. have6. feel7. giving8. could
   9. finding 10. something
  【随堂通Unit 2】
  Section A
  Ⅰ. 1. matter2. sore 3. eyes; ears
   4. dentist 5. sounds
  Ⅱ. 1~5 DDDAA 6~10 CDCCD
  Ⅲ. 1. healthy2. often3. stop4. use
   5. away6. Turn7. air8. staying
   9. ill10. for
  Section B
  Ⅰ.1~5 CDBAA
  Ⅱ. 1~5 AADCC
  Self check
  Ⅰ. 1~6 ADBCCC
  Ⅱ. 1~5CDACB 6~10 ACCCB
  【随堂通Unit 3】
  Section A
  Ⅰ. 1. think about2. go fishing
   3. go camping 4. go sightseeing
   5. go boating6. decide on
   7. take a vacation8. go bike-riding
   9. grow up10. take walks
  Ⅱ. 1~7 BBBAACB
  Ⅲ. 1. with 2. came3. put4. look
   5. cloudy / cold 6. wear 7. mouth
   8. bigger 9. same 10. clever
  Section B
  Ⅰ. 1~7 DDCABAD
  Ⅱ. 1~5 CBDAC 6~10 BADBC
  Self check
  Ⅰ. 1~6 AABACC
  Ⅱ. 1~5 CBABD 6~10 CBCDB 11~15 ABCDA
  【新目标英语八年级(上) Unit 1单元要点检测题听力材料及参考答案】
  I. 听力部分(20分)
  1. How often do you eat vegetables?
  2. What does that little boy do on weekends?
  3. Do you do exercise every day?
  4. Sorry, I’m late for dinner.
  5. What sports do you play?
  6. W: Most students go to the movies once a month. What about you, Bill?
  M: I hardly ever go to the movies.
  7. W: How often does your school have a sports meeting?
  M: Once a year.
  8. W: Hi, Li Ming. You look strong and healthy. Do you often exercise?
   M: Yes, of course. I exercise every day.
  9. W: Could you tell me what you often do on weekends?
  M: I often go to climb the hills with my parents. I like doing that very much.
  10. W: How often do you eat junk food, Hector?
   M: I never eat junk food.
  W: Do you sing English songs in class?
  M: Yes, we sing English songs once a week. How about you?
  W: We sing English songs twice a week. How many English songs can you sing?
  M: Eight. How about you?
  W: Fifteen.
  W: What’s your favourite subject, Bill?
  M: Math.
  W: How often do you do your math exercises?
  M: Five times a week. What’s your favourite subject, Katrina?
  W: English.
  M: How often do you read English?
  W: Every day.
  M: What’s your friend Mary’s favourite subject?
  W: Chinese.
   Hi! My name is Jason, I’m a strong boy. I’m pretty healthy. Do you want to be the same as me? I exercise every day. I run for 30 minutes every morning and go to work by bike every day. I like sports. I play basketball with my friends twice a week; go skating in the club once a month and go swimming three times a month. Every weekend, you can see me playing football on the playground in the afternoon. What’s more, I eat different kinds of food, especiallyvegetables.
  1~5 BCCBA 6~10 CBACA 11~15 ACCAB
  21~25 CADBC 26~30 BBCBB
  31~35 ABCBD
  36~40 ABCCA 41~45 DCABD
  46~50 CACBC
  51. habits 52. when 53. bad54. lessons
  55. classmates56. smoking 57. them
  58. health59. worse60. beginning
   Jackie Chan is our favorite actor. He has a lot of friends all over the world. He always visits his friends in his free time. He likes milk very much. He often drinks milk for breakfast. He usually exercises. Sometimes he watches TV. He often acts in many different places, so he hardly ever stays at a place. He never feels bad about his acting.
  【新目标英语八年级(上) Unit 2单元要点检测题听力材料及参考答案】
  I. 听力部分(20分)
  1. Jane is hungry. She wantsto eat a
  2. Sarah has a fever. She has to lie down and rest.
  3. Mike has a pain in his stomach.
  4. There is something wrong with Jack’s arm.
  5. Lucy has a headache now.
  6. W: What’s the matter with you, Bob? Do you have a headache?
   M: No. My throat is sore.
  7. M: Doctor, I’m not feeling well.
   W: Oh, let me see. You have a cold. You should lie down and have a rest.
  M: Thank you.
  8. M: Mom, I’m thirsty now. Can I have some ice cream?
   W: Ice cream? Oh, no. You should drink some water instead.
  9. M: What’s the matter with you, Alice?
   W: I’m OK, but my father has a bad stomachache. I have to look after him.
   M: I’m sorry to hear that.
  10. W: Can I help you, young man?
   M: Yes, please. Iwanttoborrowsome
   books on science.
  M: What’s the matter with you, Maria?
  W: Dad, I’m not feeling well. I have a cold.
  M: Oh, that’s bad. You should lie down and rest.
  W: But I’m busy and I must finish my homework.
  M: I think you can tell your teacher you are ill.
  W: It’s the beginning of the new term. I don’t want to miss any lessons.
  M: But health can help you study better.
  W: OK, I will have a rest tomorrow.
   It’s Tuesday today. Jim didn’t go to school and stayed in bed in the morning. Why? Because he didn’t feel well when he got up. He had a sore throat. His mother, Mrs Brown, took him to the hospital. Mrs Green, the doctor, said that Jim had a bad cold. She asked Jim to lie down and rest. Then she gave him some medicine. Now Jim feels a little better. He wants to go to school.
  1~5BCEAD 6~10 ACBAC
  11~15BCABA 16~20 BBACA
  21~25 CDADC 26~30 DCABC
  31~35 ABDBC 36~40 DACAA
  41~45BACCB 46~50 DBACA
  51. listen52. weekends53. although
  54. cook55. delicious56. stomach
  57. junk58. only59. hardly60. after
  Dear Jack,
  I’msorry tohear that you’renotfeelingwell. It’s a pity that you didn’t get good grades in the test, but we know that it’s because you get a headache and fever. You should go to see a doctor, drink a lot of water and have a good rest. Don’t worry about your study. You can work harder after you feel well. I’m sure you are going to get good grades next time. I hope you can be better soon.
  【新目标英语八年级(上) Unit 3单元要点检测题听力材料及参考答案】
  I. 听力部分(20分)
  1. What are you doing for your vacation?
  2. How long is Tony staying with his cousin?
  3. How’s the weather tomorrow in Beijing?
  4. What do you do in your free time?
  5. I really like your dress. It’s beautiful.
  6. M: Hey, Tina. What are you going to do for vacation?
   W: I’m going boating with my friend.
   M: I’m sure you’ll have a good time. I am going fishing in the river.
  7. W: Where are you visiting for vacation?
   M: Europe. What about you?
   W: I’m going to the basketball camp.
  8. W: Hi, Michael. What is Hector doing for vacation?
   M: He told me he is going hiking.
   W: That sounds great. Are you going with him?
   M: No. I’m babysitting my sister.
  9. W: Look! Who is over there?
   M: Oh, it’s Tony’s father. He likes fishing on vacation.
   W: I hope he will have a good day.
  10. W: Tom, where are you going for vacation?
   M: I’m going to Hainan for a week.
  W: Hi, Danny. What are you going to do this weekend?
  M: I want to go boating. What about you?
  W: I have no idea. But my friend Jack asks me to go fishing.
  M: That sounds great.
  W: Do you want to do something together?
  M: Sure.
  W: Well, how about going fishing with us on Saturday?
  M: Of course. Where shall we meet?
  W: Let’s meet at my house. My uncle has a boat. He can take us there.
  M: What time shall we leave?
  W: Let’s leave at 6:00 am.
  M: Great! See you then.
   Nat lived in a small house in England. He always stayed in England for his holidays, but last year he thought, “I’ve never been to any other countries. All my friends often go to China, and they like the country very much, so this year I’m going there, too.”
   First he went to Shanghai and stayed in a small hotel for a few days. On the first morning he went out for a walk. In England people drive on the left, but in China they drive on the right. So while he was crossing a busy street, a bicycle knocked him down.
   Nat lay on the ground for a few seconds and then he sat up and said, “Where am I?”
   An old man selling maps at the side of the street at once came to Nat and said, “Map of the city, sir?”
  1~5 BBAAB 6~10 BABCC
  11~15 CABBC 16~20 BCACC
  21~25 CDBCB 26~30DDABC
  31~35 ACBDD 36~40 ABBAB
  41~45 ACABD 46~50 CDDAA
  51. plane52. stay 53. great / good 54. visit
  55. dancing 56. necks57. wear58. scared
  59. how 60. e-mail
  Dear Hector,
   How are you doing?
   National Day Holiday is coming. What are you going to do for the holiday? Why not come to Wuhan for fun? I’m going to take you to the East Lake. It’s one of the biggest lakes in China. We can go boating there. There is a bird park near the East Lake. I’m going to watch the beautiful birds in this park with you. I think you will enjoy yourself very much. Hot dry noodles is the most popular snacks in Wuhan. My mother is going to make some for you.
   I hope to see you soon!
   Yours, Lambert
《中学生英语》紧扣教材,同步辅导,以“好学英语其乐无穷,学好英语终生受用”为办刊理念,集权威性、前瞻性、知识性、科学性、适用性、实战性、时尚性、趣味性、互动性和参与性于一体,倡导“快乐学习”。为方便作者撰写稿件,使广大读者更清楚地了解本杂志的编辑思路和板块内容,现公布《中学生英语》初二版开设的各栏目及具体撰稿要求:    1. 单元知识要點精讲  要求:紧扣教材,对本单元中学生最易出错、最易混淆的
Review of units 6~10单元要点检测题  (满分:100分)  Part one 听力部分(20分)(略)  Part Two 笔试部分(80分) 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装
编者注:旨在提高英语写作水平,互相交流,取长补短,我们开辟了“学生习作名师点评”栏目。如果你想看看自己的写作水平如何,请将习作邮寄给我们,我们会将其转交给省内各校名师点评;老师们如果想推荐自己学生的优秀习作,请按栏目要求邮寄给我们。  【来稿要求】  1. 点评学生习作(指出优点与不足);2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;  3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由;4. 按照中考标准给出分
编者注:为了提高同学的英语写作水平,使大家在中考中立于不败之地,应广大师生的要求。我们开辟了“学生习作名师点评”栏目。同学们如果想让自己的英语习作得到名师的点评,请邮寄给我们。老师们如果发现自己学生的优秀习作需推荐的话,请按栏目要求邮寄给我们。 本文为全文原
摘要:随着北京冬奥会的日益临近,越来越多的消费者选择参与冰雪体育运动。安踏体育作为北京冬奥的战略合作伙伴,已经在冰雪运动产品业谋篇布局。本文借鉴经济领域新理论的视角——长尾效应理论对安踏体育近年来在冰雪运动产品领域的快速发展进行分析,并对其未来冰雪运动产品发展战略提出建议。  关键词:冰雪运动产品;北京冬奥会;长尾效应  一、长尾战略理论简介  2004年克里斯·安德森的《长尾》(The Long
[中考链接]  1 The childtenwill climb the hill if it________tomorrow.(2007北京市)  A won’t rain B didn’t rain  C doesn’t rain D isn’t rainging
I、汉译英。    1、空气污染_________  2、空闲时间_________  3、活到200岁_________  4、未来五年内_________  5、将有_________ 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装
摘要:移动互联网及移动支付的不断升级,让知识付费电商把碎片化的知识变现成为了可能。本文以知识问答社区——知乎网为研究对象,在对知识付费电商发展的动力机制及其发展趋势进行分析的基础上,对知乎商业模式的核心机制进行了研究,指出了知乎商业模式面临的具体问题,并指明了知乎未来的发展方向,以期望对知乎的发展提供一定的帮助。  关键词:知识付费电商;商业价值;商业模式  一、相关理论  Afuah认为,知识付
摘要:本文在参照近几年国务院下发的政策文件及财政部政府和社会资本合作中心网站上信息的基础上,选择上海市采用PPP模式提供政府公共服务多样化的例子,着眼于当下公共服务提供日渐单一化、人民对政府公共服务提供的满意度不够高等问题,探求其中的解决措施和方法经验,并从中总结上海市采用该模式的成功实践经验与存在的不足。  关键词:PPP模式;社会资本;公共服务;政府管理  一、PPP模式与公共服务供给  (一