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基于上海大众的IT系统现状和需求,惠普和上海大众将EMCC(Enterprise Management Control Center,即企业监控中心解决方案)在上海大众的实施定位于问题管理,并一起制定了相应的问题管理流程。通过EMCC方案的实施,上海大众的IT部门实现规范化的IT流程管理,为其IT人员提供一个量化的服务管理平台,从将IT部门运作从被动式服务转向主动式服务。上海大众汽车有限公司是中国汽车行业规模最大的合资公司,截止到2002年已累积产销量汽车达到217万辆,累计销售收入突破2570亿人民币。企业的IT系统日渐庞大复杂,对于一些大型企业来说,IT系统更是因其涉及的设备种类繁多、分布地域广阔而对全系统的运营和维护管理提出了近乎苛刻的要求。同样庞 Based on the current situation and demand of Shanghai Volkswagen IT system, Hewlett-Packard and Shanghai Volkswagen positioned EMCC (Enterprise Management Control Center) implementation in Shanghai Volkswagen as problem management and formulated corresponding problem management processes. Through the implementation of the EMCC program, Shanghai Volkswagen IT department to achieve standardized IT process management, IT staff to provide a quantitative service management platform, from the IT department operations from passive to active service. Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. is the largest joint venture company in China’s auto industry. As of 2002, it has produced and sold 2.17 million vehicles and accumulated sales revenue exceeded RMB257 billion. As the IT systems of enterprises grow larger and more complicated, for some large enterprises, the IT system poses almost harsh demands on the operation and maintenance management of the whole system because of the wide range of equipment involved and the broad geographical distribution. The same Pang
Si1-xGex/Si heterostructures play a primary role in the Si-based fast electronics developments today. In this work, the experimental results of infrared spectro
在无溶剂条件下,手性的β-氨基醇和脲在160-180℃反应0.5-1 h,在200℃反应0.5 h,高产率地获得手性噁唑烷酮。 Under solvent-free conditions, the chiral β-aminoalcohols a
行政文化作为文化的一个特殊领域和重要组成部分 ,在我国是一个崭新的研究课题。如何重塑行政文化 ,如何发掘行政文化的特殊力量 ,已经成为行政管理领域必须思考的问题。从目