Simulation of rainfall-runoff and watershed convergence process in the upper reaches of Heihe River

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodetiantian3321
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The watershed flow concentration scheme in the distributed hydrology-soil- vegetation model (DHSVM) is coupled with the mesoscale atmospheric model MM5 version 3.5, in which the Oregen States University land surface model (OSULSM) was involved. The flood event which happened in July 2002 in the upper reaches of Heihe river basin is simulated and the surface flow convergence process is shown with this coupled model. It has been concluded that times water head reaches each place of the basin are different. Water amount at each point is split-flow proportionally as the drops in elevation between it and neighbor points. Large part of the water amount pass away in greater slope direction and small part pass away in smaller slope one. Adding of the slope convergence makes the atmospheric model redistributes the surface water laterally. The watershed flow concentration scheme in the distributed hydrology-soil-vegetation model (DHSVM) is coupled with the mesoscale atmospheric model MM5 version 3.5, in which the Oregen States University land surface model (OSULSM) was involved. The flood event which happened in July It has been concluded that times water head reaches each place of the basin are different. Water amount at each point is split-flow proportionally as the drops in elevation between it and neighbor points. Large part of the water amount pass away in greater slope direction and small part pass away in smaller slope one. Adding of the slope convergence makes the atmospheric model redistributes the surface water laterally.
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