一般深基础土方开挖,首先要解决的就是验算基坑边坡的安全系数,防止边坡塌方。当其邻近有建筑物存在,或基础土质不良时,不仅要验算边坡安全系数,而且还要采取另外的技术措施才能防止边坡塌方,因为往往在这种情况下,放坡受到限制,而且有可能威胁邻近建筑物的安全。 我队在81年在热处理烟囱基础土方开挖中,就是由于土质不良等多种条件限制,不能
In general deep foundation earth excavation, the first thing to be solved is to check the safety factor of the foundation pit slope and prevent the collapse of the slope. When adjacent buildings are present or the underlying soil is poor, it is not only necessary to check the safety factor of the slope, but also to take additional technical measures to prevent the collapse of the slope, because often in this case, the grading is limited, and It may threaten the security of neighboring buildings. Our team was able to excavate the heat treatment chimney foundation in 81 years because it was due to a variety of conditions such as poor soil quality.