
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ooqqa
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层间接触状态是影响半刚性基层沥青路面受力特性及损坏状况的重要因素。为分析面层内及面层与基层间设置应力吸收层时,温度及车辆荷载作用下,应力吸收层与结构层间粘结状况对路面结构内应力分布的影响,将应力吸收层模拟为正交各向异性中的横观各向同性材料。研究表明,可以通过设置应力吸收层不同参数而模拟层间不同接触状态;同时温度荷载作用下,设置应力吸收层时,若层间接触状态由连续变为光滑,则沥青面层内温度应力最大值由于新的应力释放方式的出现而减小。交通荷载作用下,当基层-面层间接触状态由连续变为滑动时,面层底面的受力状态由受压变为受拉,因此为减少路面开裂,结构层间应选择合适的接触状态,从而取得二者的平衡。 The contact state between layers is an important factor that affects the mechanical properties and damage of semi-rigid base asphalt pavement. In order to analyze the influence of temperature and vehicle load on the stress distribution in the pavement and between the stress absorption layer and the structure layer when the stress absorption layer is set up between the surface layer and the surface layer and the base layer, Transverse anisotropy of the transverse isotropic material. The research shows that different contact states can be modeled by setting different parameters of the stress absorption layer. Under the temperature load, when the stress absorption layer is set, if the contact state between layers changes from continuous to smooth, the temperature stress in the asphalt surface is the largest The value decreases due to the appearance of new stress relief. Under the action of traffic load, when the contact state between the grassroots and the surface layer changes from continuous to sliding, the stress state of the bottom surface of the surface layer changes from compression to tension. Therefore, in order to reduce the cracking of pavement, the appropriate contact state , So as to achieve the balance between the two.
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导演运用一个长镜头展示“嗅觉”,摄影机如行云流水般引领观众在万物中穿行,那一瞬间万物仿佛都被赋予了灵性,即使是冰冷的石头都开始跃动起生命的旋律    德国导演汤姆蒂克威曾凭一部强烈后现代叙事风格的电影《疾走罗拉》红遍全球,一度被誉为新德国电影的救星,被无数电影青年奉为偶像。一晃十年,这位影坛的红人却再没有给出任何惊喜,他随后执导的《公主与战士》《天堂》皆有负万千期待。但在对其已无任何期待之时,品闻