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从前的柳堡是没有菜市的,家家有菜园,户户留菜墩,一年到头吃着新鲜,头茬韭、黄瓜钮、花香藕,农家三样鲜,哪一样没有呢?就是不知道个价钱……压根没卖过没买过。至于鱼虾蟹鳗,也不算稀奇,能掏能钓,“不能捞鱼摸虾”,就不能说是真正的柳堡人,猪羊鸡鸭也在圈里养着,在窝外长着,要杀要宰随你便,哪里还需要花钱吃荤尝腥呢? 即使有做小买卖的,也不成什么气候,不过是敲锣卖糖,挎起篮子卖生姜,没有一片景象的。偶有挑起担子走庄穿巷,羞涩着一副嗓子小声叫卖的,也是手上紧缺些钱花的人家,要用上等的青鲜菜蔬、肥鱼大虾换得为数不多的分票铅角。这样的好菜一般便宜得不像价格,青菜2分1斤,萝卜3分8两,就是活蹦乱跳的草鱼青鲲也不过几毛1斤,比起现在见风而涨的物价不知要寒碜多少倍了。但如今这样可亲的小贩,这样可爱的小菜却纷纷 The former Liubao had no vegetable market. Every family had vegetable gardens, and every household had to eat vegetable piers. They ate fresh, head pods, cucumber buttons, and floral pods. The three farmhouses were fresh, which didn’t? The price was not known. ... Did not sell or buy it. As for fish, crabs and crabs, it’s not unusual. They can only catch fish. They can’t say that they are real Liubao people. Pigs, ducks, chickens and ducks are also raised in the laps and grow outside the nest. If you want to kill and slaughter you, where do you need to spend money to eat and taste it? Even if you have a small sale, it is not a climate, but there is no such thing as knocking on sugar and picking up a basket to sell ginger. Occasionally, they took the burden to walk through the lane, shyly squeaking and squeaking, and were also people who lacked some money on their hands. They had to exchange for a small number of votes for the fresh vegetables and fat prawn. Lead angle. This kind of good food is generally not as cheap as price, vegetables, 2 points and 1 jin, radish, 3 points and 8 ounces, that is, live grasshoppers and fishes are also only a few pounds of wool, compared to the price of rising winds, I do not know how many times to chill Now. But now such amiable hawkers, such cute little dishes
随着信息时代的到来 ,社会发展将经历一场前所未有的变革 ,我们的阅读、写作和计算方式都将产生巨大变化。有关专家预测 :未来的文盲将不是目不识丁者 ,而是不会学习的人。学
读这篇短文,老也忘不了的,是那顿匆匆的盒饭,是盒饭后留下的空塑料饭盒,是这些塑料饭盒竟成了“纪念品”。有些酸楚,甚至有些不信,但现实却是,对中国 What I can’t forget
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一是七种常见的“新的”英译 ;二是七种常见的后置定语 ;三是七种常见的强调方式。现逐项归纳如下。一、七种常见的“新的”英译1 new译成“新的”。e .g :①anewschool一所新学校②abrand -newhouse一栋