
来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xhc042
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牡丹江市财政收入80%来自工业,74%来自国有企业。只有搞活国有企业,工业才能活,经济才能活。为此,我们坚持不论哪种形式搞好就行,不论归谁所有交税就行,不论哪种形式发展就行,不论企业规模大小能养活职工就行的“四不论”原则,以退为进,收缩国有经济战线,推进产权多元化。本着不求所有、但求所在的原则,在实施过程中,制定了退出纯国有方案,组建了以市委主管经济的副书记和工业的副市长挂帅的推进组,落实责任主体,并配套出台了鼓励招商引资、发展个体私营经济,降低企业改制费用政策。到目前为止,全市126户国有企业实现产权多元化的达到121户,占96.4%(其余5户为自来水、热电、煤气等公益性企业),基本实现了地方企业无 80% of Mudanjiang’s fiscal revenue comes from industry and 74% comes from state-owned enterprises. Only by invigorating state-owned enterprises can industry survive and the economy can survive. To this end, we insist on doing whatever is required, regardless of whoever pays the tax, regardless of the type of development, whether it is a business or not, the principle of “four no matter” that can support employees will be retired. Shrink the state-owned economic front and promote the diversification of property rights. In line with the principle of not seeking everything, but seeking its own place, in the implementation process, a plan to withdraw from purely state-owned enterprises was established, and a promotion group led by deputy secretary of the municipal party committee’s economy and deputy mayor of industry was set up to implement the main body of responsibility and provide support. The introduction of encouragement to attract investment, the development of individual and private economy, and lower corporate restructuring policy. So far, 126 state-owned enterprises across the city have achieved 121 diversified property rights, accounting for 96.4% (the remaining 5 households are public-welfare companies such as tap water, thermal power, gas, etc.), basically realizing that local enterprises have no
[知识要点]1. 直线和圆的位置关系(设⊙O 半径为r,圆心到直线的距离为d):(1) 直线和⊙O 相交 d r, 这时直线与⊙O 有      个公共点;(2) 直线和⊙O相切      ,
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