加强调查研究 做好价格工作

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深入调查研究是我们做好社会主义市场经济条件下价格工作的重要前提和保证。今年是我国政治、经济上具有重要意义的一年,中国共产党将召开第16次全国代表大会,我国开始正式履行世贸组织的权利与义务。价格工作面临的形势、环境又有新的变化,面临着新的挑战。通过调查研究,更新观念,突破传统的束缚,就能寻找出解决问题、应对挑战、完成今年价格工作任务的办法。调查研究,要紧紧围绕贯彻江泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想来进行:一是认真研究如何把“为政府分忧,为百姓说话,为发展服务”作为价格工作的出发点和立足点,转变工作作风,敬业勤政,廉政为民,不断提高机构改革后价格管理人员的政治、思想、业务素质,建立一支过得硬的物价工作队伍。 An in-depth investigation and study is an important premise and guarantee for our price work in the socialist market economy. This year marks a year of great political and economic significance in our country. The CPC will convene the 16th National Congress and our country will officially fulfill its rights and obligations under the WTO. The price situation is facing work, the environment has new changes, facing new challenges. Through investigation and study, updating concepts and breaking through the traditional shackles, we can find solutions to problems, deal with challenges and accomplish the task of price work this year. The investigation and research should be conducted around the implementation of Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important thinking on “three represents.” The first is to study carefully how to make a point of departure and a base for price work by “studying for the government to share the worries, to speak to the people and to serve the development.” Point, change the style of work, dedicated diligence, honest government for the people, and constantly improve the organization after the reform of the price management of political, ideological, professional quality, to establish a hard work of the price force.
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