Traditional Sports in Chinese Folk Customs at All Seasons and on National Rites

来源 :北京体育大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuzubiao
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Most sprots forms in Chinese folk customs at all seasons and on national ritcs cmcrged with natural worship, superstition and taboo. Due to differences in natural environment and humane background, sports in various folk customs were divcrsified. After the Wei Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, with the development of economy and culture of the feudal society, sports in folk customs on national rites gradually turned into recreatively activities in sensonal folk customs (the change was relational late in national minority area). National migration and mergence in the past dynasties led sports in folk customs of different places to absorb cach other and be further developed. Since the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, sports such as dragon-boat race, wrestling, football, archery, horsc race, tug-ofwar and height scaling had in fact turned into the common cultural wealth of many nationalities. Most sprots forms in Chinese folk customs at all seasons and on national ritcs cmcrged with natural worship, superstition and taboo. Due to differences in natural environment and humane background, sports in various folk customs were divcrsified. After the Wei Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, with the development of economy and culture of the feudal society, sports in folk customs on national rites gradually turned into recreatively activities in sensonal folk customs (the change was relational late in national minority area). National migration and mergence in the past dynasties led sports in folk customs of different places to absorb cach other and be further developed. Since the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, sports such as dragon-boat race, wrestling, football, archery, horsc race, tug-ofwar and height scaling had in fact turned into the common cultural wealth of many nationalities.
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