
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hh0745cn12
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云南省大理白族自治州广播电视学会于今年7月25日至26日召开了第二届学术年会,有26位会员带着自己撰写的论文参加了这次学术活动。大理州学会自1990年3月成立以来,先后开展了评选优秀广播电视节目,评选优秀播音员,举办新闻采编培训班,召开播音员业务交流会,培训县、乡技术管理人员,组织技术革新,研究行政、音像、财务管理,研讨如何办好广播电视节目等一系列活动。尤其可喜的是,学会成立一年多来,从学会领导到全体会员已写出各种内容的论文、文章70多篇。 The Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Radio and Television Society held its second academic annual meeting from July 25 to 26 this year, with 26 members participating in this academic activity with their own dissertations. Since its establishment in March 1990, the Dali Autonomous Prefecture has successively selected excellent radio and television programs, selected outstanding announcers, held news gathering and training courses, held announcer business exchange meetings, trained county and township technical managers, organized technological innovations, Research on administration, audio and video, financial management, discuss how to run radio and television programs and a series of activities. Particularly gratifying is that more than 70 articles and articles have been written since the institute was established in the past year and more.
初放,是花蕾绽开,吐露芬芳的起点,在悸动中展现出生命的张力。  美自天然,无需雕饰,女性的纯美亦是如此。妆容亦或身姿,只是韶华镌刻下的痕迹,都不及一泓淡淡的浅笑,似有若无,在岁月