Cacheap: Portable and Collaborative I/O Optimization for Graph Processing

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yidehua_2
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Increasingly there is a need to process graphs that are larger than the available memory on today’s machines. Many systems have been developed with graph representations that are efficient and compact for out-of-core processing. A necessary task in these systems is memory management. This paper presents a system called Cacheap which automatically and efficiently manages the available memory to maximize the speed of graph processing, minimize the amount of disk access, and maximize the utilization of memory for graph data. It has a simple interface that can be easily adopted by existing graph engines. The paper describes the new system, uses it in recent graph engines, and demonstrates its integer factor improvements in the speed of large-scale graph processing.
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