
来源 :中国癌症杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:littlev19
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大肠癌的发病随着人们生活的提高,脂肪摄入的增加而上升.以上海为例,1995年时粗发病率已达每年31.96/10万,比1979年上升63%,已成为第三位常见癌症.因此大肠癌的防治已引起广泛重视.本期以大肠癌为重点发表一些研究报告.约80%的大肠癌是由腺瘤癌变而来.在早期的癌仅限于粘膜层的大肠癌中,95%以上可见病灶中含腺瘤成分.但随着癌的发展,腺瘤组织受侵蚀而逐渐消失.在上海医大肿瘤医院的资料中,有23%的大肠癌灶中还可见腺瘤存在,可谓之大肠腺瘤癌变.但30.7%已有淋巴结转移,12.5%已有血道转移或种植播散.腺瘤的癌变常局限,术前活检常可因未取得癌变区组织而报告为腺瘤.本院的腺癌癌变病例中有35.5%术前未获癌变证据.对此问题的讨论研究将有助于避免一些病人在开腹时按良性瘤做手术,最后病理证实腺瘤已有癌变而且又浸润至粘膜下层、肌层又再次开腹手术. The incidence of colorectal cancer has risen with the improvement of people’s lives and the increase of fat intake. Taking Shanghai as an example, the crude incidence rate in 1995 had reached 31.96 per 100 thousand per year, 63% higher than in 1979, and it has become the third largest. Common cancers. Therefore, prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer has attracted widespread attention. This issue of colorectal cancer as the focus of a number of published research reports. About 80% of colorectal cancer is adenoma cancerous change in early cancer is limited to mucosal colorectal cancer In the middle, more than 95% of the lesions contained adenomas. However, as the cancer progressed, the adenomas were eroded and gradually disappeared. In the data of Shanghai Medical University Cancer Hospital, 23% of colorectal cancer lesions also showed adenomas. Existence, can be described as colorectal adenoma cancerous. However, 30.7% have already had lymph node metastasis, 12.5% ​​have already had hematogenous metastasis or planted dissemination. The cancer of adenoma is often limited, and preoperative biopsy can often be reported as a gland because no cancerous tissue has been obtained. Tumor. 35.5% of cancerous cases of adenocarcinoma in this hospital had no evidence of canceration before surgery. Discussion and research on this issue will help to prevent some patients from benign tumor surgery during laparotomy. Finally, pathology confirmed that adenomas have Cancerous and infiltrating into the submucosa, muscle and re-opening hands .
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