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在里昂的几天里,我问每一个遇到生活在里昂的人:你最喜欢里昂的是什么?答案出奇地一致:这里的生活状态、美食和便利的交通。对于没有经历过里昂的人来说,这样的答案看着就像是敷衍了事,一点都不生动。而只有真正经历过里昂生活的人才会理解。我的回忆里不是里昂的历史、大教堂和穿过市中心的两条河流这样典型的里昂名片式的景观。而是那些在中世纪风格大街上回响着的自行车铃声;石板路上低下头才能发现的、若隐若现的海贝壳化石;地铁里依然眼神清澈、灵动流转的里昂人可爱的面庞;午夜依然高亢的歌声;等待在所有手持长棍面包的人们身旁成群的野鸽子,还有陪我度过一整个下午的阳光中的白天鹅……不可否认,里昂是一个商业化的城市。自古以来,她就是欧洲内地的一个十字路口,在军事和经济两者的历史上扮演着重要的角色。从现代的眼光看起来,她是法国对瑞士和意大利的关卡城市,是经济大动脉。在工商业界里许多活跃的人物都来自这个城市,原因是当地人有着全国知名的勤奋工作态度。可是,我的眼睛看到的,还有她的另外一面:餐厅里的悠闲时刻、人们等待美食的心情和城市周末的放松时刻……里昂人爱说一句话:巴黎就是巴黎,可是里昂的生活才是真正的生活。因此,我劝你一定不要去里昂,如果去也一定不要住太长时间,否则你就会染上对那个城市无法治愈的相思。这里是我想要的法国城市深层次的感觉,纯正、单一,虽然清淡,但是让人享受。 In Lyon for a few days, I asked everyone I met in Lyon: What was your favorite Lyon? The answer was surprisingly consistent: living conditions, good food, and convenient traffic here. For those who have not experienced Lyon, such an answer looks like perfunctory, not vivid at all. Only people who truly live the life of Lyon will understand. My memories are not Lyon’s history, the cathedral and the rivers that run through the center of the city, a typical Lyon business card landscape. But those ringing in the medieval style of the street ringing the bicycle; the head of the stone can only be found down the road, looming sea shell fossils; the subway is still clear, Smart circulation Lyon cute face; midnight is still high-pitched singing; waiting The crows of wild pigeons beside all those who carry baguettes and the white swans who spent the whole afternoon with me ... It is undeniable that Lyon is a commercial city. Since ancient times, she has been a crossroads in the interior of Europe and plays an important role in the history of both the military and the economy. From a modern point of view, she is France’s checkpoint city against Switzerland and Italy, and is a major artery of economy. Many of the most active people in the business community come from this city because locals have a well-known diligence attitude in the country. However, my eyes to see, but also her other side: leisure time in the restaurant, people waiting for food and city weekend relaxation time ... Lyon love to say a word: Paris is Paris, but life in Lyon Is the real life. Therefore, I advise you not to go to Lyon, if you go must not live too long, or you will be infected with that city can not be cured Acacia. Here is the deep feeling of the French city I want, pure and simple, although light, but enjoyable.
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在开平,大部分碉楼都已人去楼空,只有很少一部分有人居住。那些执著地守望着碉楼的人,延续的是今天碉楼人家对家族情谊的珍惜和对沧桑历史的坚守。 In Kaiping, most of the