
来源 :中国石油 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangxiaolong43
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提到大庆的思想政治工作,可谓无人不知、无人不晓。作为中国工业企业思想政治工作的典范,大庆油田不仅有“三老四严”、“四个一样”的老传统,还推出过“思想政治工作三十法”。它在思想政治工作上的优势显而易见。 如今的大庆油田正在谋求跨世纪可持续发展。如同接受可持续发展理念一样,大庆油田作为中国最具影响的特大型工业企业,正在吸纳当今世界最先进的管理思想和管理经验。 其中为东西方现代管理所倍加推崇的人本管理,与大庆的思想政治工作,在内容、方式、功能和实践表现等诸方面都有共同之处。 从人本管理角度看思想政治工作,我们的政治优 Mentioning Daqing’s ideological and political work can be described as nobody knows, nobody knows. As an example of the ideological and political work of China’s industrial enterprises, Daqing Oilfield not only has the old tradition of “three strictures, four strictures and four equalities,” but also has introduced the Thirty Laws of Ideological and Political Work. Its advantages in ideological and political work are obvious. Today’s Daqing Oilfield is seeking cross-century sustainable development. Like accepting the concept of sustainable development, Daqing Oilfield, as China’s most influential large industrial enterprise, is absorbing the world’s most advanced management thinking and management experience. Among them, people-oriented management, which is highly regarded by the modern management of the East and the West, has much in common with the ideological and political work in Daqing in content, mode, function and practice. Ideological and Political Work from the Perspective of Humanistic Management, Our Political Excellence
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在步入 2 1世纪的今天 ,《石油矿场机械》结合市场需求和技术进步现状 ,针对我国当前的热点技术和长远发展总体目标 ,技术发展方向 ,重点报道以下内容。欢迎踊跃投稿。1.继续
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