
来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:itcrasher9999
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有机磷杀虫剂 E—1059、E—605对多种害虫有特效杀虫作用,在生上已被广泛应用,这类药剂对人畜有剧毒,喷洒后食物上的残留量又直接影响人民的安全和健康,虽经领导部门严格规定使用办法,但仍有使用不当而发生人身中毒事故。近年来,有关研究部门对剧毒农药在农产品中残留量问题及安全使用范围开展了不少研究工作,积累了很多宝贵资料,惟由于各单位所用的测定方法不同,使用范围的条件不一,所得结果也不一致;为肯定成绩,交流经验和意见,以求在某些问题上能认识一致,以便做出统一规定,中国植保学会筹委会于12月11—16日在北京召开了一次剧毒农药残毒与使用问题 Organophosphorus insecticide E-1059, E-605 has a special effect insecticidal effect on a variety of pests, has been widely used in life, such agents are highly toxic to humans and animals, the residual amount of food after spraying has a direct impact on people The safety and health of the department are strictly regulated by the leading department. However, there are still cases of personal poisoning caused by improper use. In recent years, the relevant research departments carried out a lot of research work on the residues of highly toxic pesticides in agricultural products and the safe use of the area, and accumulated a lot of valuable information. However, due to different measurement methods used by various units and different conditions of use, The results obtained are not the same; in order to affirm the achievements, exchange experiences and opinions so as to be able to know consensus on certain issues in order to make uniform provisions, the CPPCC organizing committee convened a drama in Beijing on December 11-16 Residues of poisonous pesticides and their use
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作者从生长在东非的民间药用植物C.jatrophoides Pax.的根皮中分离得到3个新的柠檬苦素类似物(limonoids)zumketol(1)、zumsenin(2)和zumsenol(3),并研究了化合物1对2种昆虫
浙江省淳安县第一人民医院近日举行了以“学《纲要》、树新风、创满意、促发展”为主题的演讲比赛,来自各科室的30名选手围绕公民道德、诚实守信、优质服 The First People
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