2011年8月17—21日,2011流体传动与机电一体化国际学术会议(2011 International Conferenceon F1uid Powerand Mechatronics,FPM2011)在北京.香山饭店成功召开。会议由中国机械工程学会流体传动与控制分会、北京航空航天大学联合主办,来自10多个国家的300余名与会者围绕“可持续发展的流体传动与机电一体化”的主题展开了研讨。大会邀请了6位国际知名学者做大会特邀报告。他们分别是:中科院外籍院士、著名纳米与微机电科学家、美国佐
Aug. 21-21, 2011, 2011 The International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Mechatronics (FPM2011) was held in Beijing. Xiangshan Hotel was successfully held. The conference was jointly sponsored by the Fluid Power Transmission and Control Branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. More than 300 participants from over 10 countries held discussions on the theme of “Fluid Power Transmission and Mechatronics” . The conference invited 6 internationally renowned scholars to do the conference special report. They are: Foreign Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, a famous nano and microelectromechanical scientists, the United States Zuo