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愿文化语言学走向成熟———评戴昭铭著《文化语言学导论》游汝杰通论文化语言学的著作已有好几种问世,最近出版的是戴昭铭所著《文化语言学导论》(语文出版社,1996)。此书分总论和分论两大部分。上编为总论,共五章,论述作者的文化观和语言观;文化语言学的方法... May the Cultural Linguistics Mature - Comments on Dai Zhaoming’s “Introduction to Cultural Linguistics” You Rujie Tong on the theory of cultural linguistics has appeared in several, recently published is Dai Zhao-ming, “Introduction to Cultural Linguistics” (Language Press, 1996). The book is divided into two parts. On the editorial, a total of five chapters, discusses the author’s view of culture and language; method of cultural linguistics ...
【正】 幾年來,在各級人民政府領導下,各級農業、水利、人民銀行、供銷合作社等部門爲了扶助農民發展農業生產,曾以貸款、貸實等辦法供應了農民大量的新式步犁、農藥、農械和
Phenol is a common industrial chemical produced and transported worldwide largely.Therefore,accidental spillage of phenol in the ocean causes an increasing conc
【正】 目前全行即将进行关于‘人民银行四年来的工作总结和一九五四年的主要工作’的学习。这次学习的要求是根据党和国家在过渡时期的总路线,具体检查银行过去工作,肯定与
Marine sediment is the primary sink of microplastics and is an indicator of pollution levels.However,although there are well-developed detection methods,detecti