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丹麦的商务礼俗,随时宜穿保守式西装,最好随手携带一件防雨风衣.拜会公私单位都得先订约会.虽然丹麦人已经是斯堪的纳维亚人中最轻松的,但是,丹麦商人在工作时间内仍然十分严肃,态度保守、认真.进出其办公室时,勿忘握手为礼.销售态度最好采取较温和的姿态.应邀到对方家中做客,一定要带花去,最好先遣人送去.务必准时赴约.在北欧三国,流传着这么一句话:“挪威人先思考,接着,瑞典人加以制造,然后,丹麦人负责推销”.的确,挪威人是着重理论,富于创造性;瑞典人则善于应用,而精于产业化;丹麦人则善于推销,在商业方面表现出色. Denmark’s business etiquette, at any time should wear a conservative suit, it is best to carry a rain-proof windbreaker. Meeting public and private units have to make appointments. Although the Danes are already the most relaxed among the Scandinavians, but Danish businessmen are still very serious during work hours, and they are conservative and serious. When entering or leaving their offices, they should not forget to shake hands. Sales attitude is best to adopt a more gentle attitude. Invited to the other side of the guest, we must bring flowers, it is best to The first person must be sent on time. It must be on time. In the three countries of Northern Europe, there is a saying: “Norwegians think first, then the Swedes build it, and then the Danes sell it.” Indeed, the Norwegians are highly theoretical and prosperous. Creativity; Swedes are good at application, but specializes in industrialization; Danes are good at promoting and doing well in business.
信任定律:不要信任不信任别人的人。  聪明定律:最聪明的人是会掩藏他的聪明。  报答定律:过分急于报答他人的好意,是不知感恩的表现。  礼物定律:如何送一件礼物,比送什么礼物更重要。  真相定律:透露真相和隐瞒真相一样需要三思而行。  鞠躬定律:要么别鞠躬,要鞠躬就深鞠躬。  保护定律:保护自己不能靠围墙,要靠朋友。  麻烦定律:人生一半的麻烦都是由于太快说“行”或太慢说“不行”造成的。  羞耻定
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Hubei Chuyuan Chemical Co.,Ltd.located in Shishou,Hubei prov-ince plans to invest RMB35.0 million in the construction of a 60000t/a sulfur-based sulfuric acid
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