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值此中国共产党诞生83周年纪念日之际,本刊隆重推出金融界四位优秀共产党员的先进事迹。中国建设银行新疆分行的李向党同志,把服务工作当作一门艺术,以深厚的感情对待客户,体现了新时期先进典型的独特魅力;由李向党引发而创办的“向党工作站”,学先进活动出现了依托载体,纳入管理,目标量化,操作具体的创新方向,读来使人耳目一新。中国农业银行广西分行的杨晨霞同志,以改革促服务,创绩效,她所带领的团队,成为一片瑰丽的“银海彩霞”。中国农业银行安徽分行的周洪胜同志,心系“三农”,战洪涝,驱贫困,17个春秋不言苦累,他所在的营业所被当地群众亲切地誉为“老百姓的水上银行”。中国工商银行吉林分行的齐宏延同志,发挥自己的聪明才智,为实现银行业务的电子化而忘我工作,以一位知识女性的青春和智慧,成为一朵令人骄傲的“科技之花”。他们都是普通的共产党员,都是在普通的岗位上做出了不普通的贡献。读一读他们的事迹,你会有所感动、有所启发,从而在中国共产党高高飘扬的旗帜下,书写壮丽的人生篇章。 On the occasion of the 83rd anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China, this magazine solemnly introduced the advanced deeds of the four outstanding communists in the financial sector. Comrade Li Xiangtang from the Xinjiang Branch of China Construction Bank treated service work as an art and treats customers with deep feelings, reflecting the unique charm of the advanced models in the new era. The “Work Station to the Party” initiated by Li Xiangdang, , Learn advanced activities appeared relying on the carrier, into the management, the goal of quantifying, operating a specific direction of innovation, reading refreshing. Comrade Yang Chenxia from the Agricultural Bank of China branch in Guangxi Province, to promote service reform, creating performance, she led the team to become a magnificent “Silver Sea Choi Ha.” Comrade Zhou Hongsheng of the Agricultural Bank of China branch in Anhui Province is deeply concerned with agriculture, rural areas and farms, fighting floods and floods and driving poverty. He has no problems for 17 years. His business place is cordially honored by local people as the “floating bank of ordinary people.” Qi Hongyan, comrades at the Jilin branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, played his own talents and dedication to the realization of the electronicization of banking business. With the youth and wisdom of a knowledgeable woman, he became a proud “flower of science and technology.” All of them are ordinary communists, all of whom make ordinary contributions to common posts. After reading their stories, you will be touched and inspired to write a magnificent chapter of life under the banner of the high flying of the Chinese Communist Party.
萨默斯维尔坝原先没有发电功能 ,最近终于获得批准 ,新建一座水电站。该坝是美国密西西比河以东第 2高坝。 The Summersville Dam, which had no power generation function
拉福图纳水电站运行 2 0多a以后 ,其隧洞需要修复。由于该电站对巴拿马的电力系统很重要 ,所以直到现在都在尽量减少维修 ,以免停机。然而 ,最近的研究表明 ,需要进行补救工
柏林行,是不能错过参观德国议会大厦的,不走进去难以感知它的深刻变化,难以冰释那心头残留的历史阴影…… Berlin line, you can not miss the visit to the German parliam