Applications of HPLC/MS in the analysis of traditional Chinese medicines

来源 :Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YOYO654321
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In China,traditional Chinese medicines(TCMs)have been used in clinical applications for thousands of years.The successful hyphenation of high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)and mass spectrometry(MS)has been applied widely in TCMs and biological samples analysis.Undoubtedly,HPLC/MS technique has facilitated the understanding of the treatment mechanism of TCMs.We reviewed more than 350 published papers within the last 5 years on HPLC/MS in the analysis of TCMs.The present review focused on the applications of HPLC/MS in the component analysis,metabolites analysis,and pharmacokinetics of TCMs etc.50% of the literature is related to the component analysis of TCMs,which show that this field is the most popular type of research.In the metabolites analysis,HPLC coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry has been demonstrated to be the powerful tool for the characterization of structural features and fragmentation behavior patterns.This paper presented a brief overview of the applications of HPLC/MS in the analysis of TCMs.HPLC/MS in the fingerprint analysis is reviewed elsewhere. In China, traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) have been used in clinical applications for thousands of years. The successful hyphenation of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) has been applied widely in TCMs and biological samples analysis. Undoubtedly , HPLC / MS technique has facilitated the understanding of the treatment mechanism of TCMs.We reviewed more than 350 published papers within the last 5 years on HPLC / MS in the analysis of TCMs.The present review focused on the applications of HPLC / MS in the component analysis, metabolites analysis, and pharmacokinetics of TCMs etc. 50% of the literature is related to the component analysis of TCMs, which show that this field is the most popular type of research.In the metabolites analysis, HPLC coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry has been demonstrated to be the powerful tool for the characterization of structural features and fragmentation behavior patterns. This pape r presented a brief overview of the applications of HPLC / MS in the analysis of TCMs. HPLC / MS in the fingerprint analysis are reviewed elsewhere.
并列式成语是成语中最常见的一种结构形式,通过这一结构方式的特点,我们很容易推知那些尚不熟悉的字形及词义。下面分三点陈述。  例1 修改下列成语中的错别字。  插科打浑(诨) 重峦迭(叠)嶂 文恬武嘻(嬉)  解析 “插科打诨”是由两个动宾结构组成的一个并列短语,“插”与“打”都是动词,是对应的;“科”与“诨”对应,“科”指古典戏曲中的表情和动作,那么“诨”意应与其相关,可见此成语中的“诨”不能写成
1 病例报告患儿,女,11岁。因服用氟哌酸后无尿24h于1999年8月24日入院。1天前患儿因右下腹隐痛,解黄色烂便1次而口服氟哌酸0.2及654-210mg治疗,用药后腹痛止,未再解大便,但出现