宝剑耀吴越 太极舞春秋——专访铸剑大师朱利尧先生

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绍兴的春天沐浴着明媚的阳光。一大早,与前不久喜获绍兴市工艺美术大师称号的朱利尧先生相约茶楼接受笔者专访。循着乌篷船摇曳的身影,在一个古色古香的茶楼里见到了这位传奇色彩的地道绍兴人,他就是太极武痴、铸剑大师朱利尧先生。中等身材,身板硬朗,双目炯炯有神的朱利尧先生,是在刚结束央视节目组赴绍兴越王台拍摄他的剑、拳专题节目后又相约接受专访的。 Shaoxing spring bathed in bright sunshine. Early in the morning, with the recent won the title of Master of Arts and Crafts in Shaoxing City, Mr. Zhu Liyao restaurant interview accepted the author interview. Follow the swaying figure of the black canopy boat, saw the legendary authentic Shaoxing people in an antique tea house, he is Tai Chi adventurous, master swordsman Mr. Julian Yao. The middle-aged, tough body with eruptive eyes of Mr. Julian Yao is in the just-concluded CCTV program went to Shaoxing Yuewang shoot his sword, boxing program and then interviewed about the same.
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