规范运行 稳步发展——企业职工养老保险省级统筹实践的启示和建议

来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:casterisme
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国务院关于建立统一的企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定提出要加快建立基本养老保险基金的省级统筹,这是建立独立于企事业之外的社会保障体系的一个重要内容。福建省于1989年初步建立基本养老保险省级统筹,经历十余年,不断完善,不断发展,已成为一种较为规范的省级统筹模式。一、省级统筹运行的特点1、实行“四统一”即统一制度、统一标准、统一管理、统一调剂。1996年,福建省人大常委会颁发《福建省城镇企业职工基本养老保险条例》。通过地方立法,统一基本养老保险制度。统一标准,全省实行一个缴费比例,费率为职工工资总额25%,企业缴纳18%,职工缴纳7%,一个缴费基数,按照职工月工资总额为缴费基数。统一养老保险待遇。实行统一管理,全省一个经办机构即社保机构,统一业务管理流程,实现统一调剂使用基金,全额拨付,确保养老金发放。2、省、市、县计算机联网。福建省社保管理信息系统于2000年正式运行。由于该系统由省社保局统一开发,为省、市、县三级联网打下良好基础。信息系统实现省、市、县联网,奠定省级统筹管理基础,为省级管理安上千里眼,直接监控 The State Council’s decision on establishing a unified system of basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees proposed to speed up the establishment of a provincial-level overall plan for basic old-age insurance funds, an important part of establishing a social security system independent of enterprises and institutions. Fujian Province initially established a provincial-level basic pension insurance co-ordination at a preliminary level. After more than 10 years of continuous improvement and continuous development, Fujian Province has become a more standardized provincial-level co-ordination model. First, the provincial co-ordinating the operation of the characteristics of 1, the implementation of “four unities” that a unified system, unified standards, unified management, unified adjustment. In 1996, the Standing Committee of Fujian Provincial People’s Congress promulgated the “Regulations on Basic Pension Insurance for Urban Enterprises in Fujian Province.” Through local legislation, unify the basic pension insurance system. Unified standards, the province implemented a contribution ratio, the rate of 25% of the total wage of workers, enterprises pay 18%, workers pay 7%, a contribution base, in accordance with the total monthly wage of workers for the payment base. Unified pension insurance benefits. Implementation of unified management, the province’s handling agencies that social security agencies, unified business management processes, to achieve a unified transfer of funds, full allocated to ensure the payment of pensions. 2, provincial, municipal and county computer networking. Fujian Social Security Management Information System in 2000 formally run. As the system by the provincial Social Security Bureau unified development, provincial, municipal and county networking laid a good foundation. Information system to achieve provincial, municipal and county networking, laying the foundation for provincial-level co-ordination of management, for the provincial-level management of the clairvoyance, direct monitoring
目的:检测辽宁种猪H-FABP和A-FABP基因位点多态性.方法:采用PCR-RFLP技术分析基因多态性.结果:四个猪种H-FABP基因HinfⅠ和Hae Ⅲ酶切位点上都显示多态性,优势基因型分别为HH