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西汉长城既有沿用前代长城的部分,也有西汉政府新建部分,而且不断完善,形成以墙体为主体,以天田、堑壕、关城等为辅助的长城防御体系。所以西汉长城通过各防御设施相互依托、相互作用防御匈奴等少数民族不定时的侵扰,这是长城的外防功能。同时,坚固高耸、完善的西汉长城还限制了内部人员的任意外出,这是长城的内防功能,笔者在《西汉西北地区长城内防功能初探》1文中已探讨,此处不再详谈。同时,由于边塞地区邮传管理系统由都尉府、候官、部、燧分级管理,与西汉长城防 The Great Wall of the Western Han Dynasty inherited both the part of the Great Wall of the previous generation and the new part of the Western Han Dynasty government, and it has been constantly perfected to form the Great Wall defense system with the wall as the main body and the Tiantian, the trench and the Guancheng as aids. Therefore, the Great Wall of the Western Han Dynasty relied on each other’s defense facilities and interacted with each other to prevent the ethnic minorities from interfering with the ethnic minorities from time to time. This is the external defense function of the Great Wall. At the same time, the solid towering and perfect Great Wall of the Western Han Dynasty has also restricted the arbitrary departure of internal personnel. This is the Great Wall’s internal defense function. The author has already discussed the article “A Preliminary Study on the Defense Function of the Great Wall in the Northwest Western Han Dynasty” and will not be discussed in detail here. At the same time, as the frontier area postal management system consists of Du Wei, waiting officer, ministry, Sui classification management, and the Western Han Dynasty Great Wall Defense
智力资源逐渐成为社会第一财富;企业从追求资本资源的最大效益转向追求智力资源的最大效益;未来国民国家是推动社会向前发展的最大支持软件。 The intellectual resources g