
来源 :航天电子对抗 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ineedtoxiazai
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航天部八五一一研究所于10月30日至11月1日举行了首届学术交流会和科技成果展览会,目的是为了进一步活跃学术空气,促进技术交流,鼓舞士气,推动各项任务顺利完成。会上,彭所长致开幕词,首先回顾了建所八年来走过的曲折路程,赞扬了全所职工艰苦创业,团结奋斗的革命精神,同志们边建所、边科研,克服了重重困难,在军品研制、民品开发方面均取得了很好的成果。会上江苏省国防科工办,航天部江苏省管理局和航天部科技委常 The 815 Institute of Space Administration held its first academic exchange meeting and scientific and technological achievements exhibition from October 30 to November 1 in order to further activate the academic atmosphere, promote technological exchanges, boost morale and promote various tasks smoothly carry out. At the meeting, Director Peng gave an opening speech. He first reviewed the twists and turns traveled by the Institute over the past eight years, praised the revolutionary spirit of hard working and the unity and struggle of the entire workforce. Comrades, while building research institutes and overcoming scientific research, overcame various difficulties We have achieved very good results in military development and civilian product development. Jiangsu Provincial Defense Science and Industry Office, Ministry of Aeronautics and Space Administration of Jiangsu Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology Commission of Aerospace
明朝嘉靖年间,倭寇犯我东南沿海。地处闽浙交通要津的福建省福鼎县秦屿堡(今秦屿镇),倭寇的活动尤为猖獗。嘉靖三十五年(1556年),当 Jiajing Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirat
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爱子心无尽,归家喜及辰。  寒衣针线密,家信墨痕新。  见面怜清瘦,呼儿问苦辛。  低徊愧人子,不敢叹风尘。  译文  母亲爱子女的心是无穷无尽的,我在过年的时候到家,母亲多高兴啊!她正在为我缝棉衣,针针线线缝得密,我寄的家书刚收到,墨迹还新。一见面母亲便怜爱地说我瘦了,连声问我在外苦不苦?我惭愧地低下头,不敢对她说我在外漂泊的境况。  写作背景  表达了作者念家,乾隆十一年(公元1746年),蒋
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