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(一)翟可法6岁写大字,先从柳公权《神策军碑》人手.然后临欧阳询《九成宫》、褚遂良《雁塔圣教序》、颜真卿《多宝塔》,20岁前就写得一手好楷书。后又开始练行书,二王之后又学米芾、王铎、董其昌。这时已经解放了,人民政府常找他抄抄写写,到了40岁左右,翟可法的行书已经写得相当有名气。1965年,行署有个副专员到县里跟他探讨书法问题,临走时索了他几张字,还给他留下一块上好的徽墨,翟可法在县里一时名声大振。这一年他45岁。60岁,翟可法草书渐渐炉火纯青。不光字写得好,而且有一个绝技,就是写字时喜欢用大笔写小字,一幅字不论篇幅大小,字数多少,只要蘸一次墨,从头写到尾,字字相连,笔笔墨润,牵丝映带,恰到好处。到题款时,仍然墨润笔健。人送外号翟一笔。 (A) Zhai can law 6 years old to write characters, first from the Willow army “Shenze Military Monument” manpower.Then facing the Ouyang inquiry “Jiucheng Palace”, Chu Sui-liang “Wild Goose Pagoda”, Yan Zhenqing “pagoda”, before the age of 20 Have a good regular script. Afterwards, he began practicing his book. After that, he studied rice cake, Wang Duo and Dong Qichang. At that time, it was liberated. People’s government often found him copying and writing and writing. By the age of 40, Zhai Ke-fa’s writings have been well-known. In 1965, a deputy commissioner of the administrative department went to the county to discuss the issue of calligraphy with him. When he left, he asked him a few words and left him with a good emblem. Zhai Fafa made a fame in the county. He is 45 years old this year. 60-year-old, Zhai law book can be used gradually. Not only written well, but also a stunt, that is, like to write a large write a small print, a word regardless of the size of the space, the number of words, as long as dipped in ink, write from scratch to the tail, the word connected, pen ink, pull Silk screen, just right. To the inscription, still ink pen health. Send a nickname Zhai a man.
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钾是亚麻生长发育必需的大量元素.本研究以钾高效利用亚麻品种Sofie为试验材料,在低钾处理12 h和96 h下,利用转录组测序及qRT-PCR进行低钾胁迫下差异基因表达调控的研究.结果
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