
来源 :保险研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen2960798
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随着国内保险市场经营主体的不断增加 ,市场竞争的激烈程度日渐加剧 ,保险市场处于由传统粗放型向集约精细化方向转变的过程之中。要提高商业保险的广度和深度 ,必须提高我们的经营服务水平 ;面对已经到来的日趋激烈的保险市场国际化竞争 ,必须从以保险人为中心的传统营销方式转变为以客户为中心的现代营销方式 ,贴近市场 ,把握市场。如何达到保险服务供给方和消费方的“双赢” ,这就对保险经营者的经营理念和客户服务意识提出了挑战。本文以需求动机理论为基础 ,从客户需求的角度结合保险经营过程中的客户投保和索赔两项行为加以分析 ,探讨如何建立客户对公司的忠诚度 With the increase of the main body of the domestic insurance market, the fierce competition in the market intensifies day by day, and the insurance market is in the process of transforming from the traditional extensive mode to the intensive intensive mode. To improve the breadth and depth of commercial insurance, we must improve our management service level. In the face of the increasingly fierce international competition in the insurance market, we must shift from insurer-centered traditional marketing to customer-centered modern marketing Way, close to the market, grasp the market. How to achieve the “win-win” between the insurance service provider and the consumer, which poses challenges to the insurance operator’s business philosophy and customer service awareness. Based on the theory of demand-motivation, this paper analyzes the customer’s insurance and claims from the perspective of customer’s needs and discusses how to establish the customer’s loyalty to the company
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【摘 要】近年来,我们结合学生的特点,在语文教学中改变了传统单一的讲授方式,开展了以学生自主参与为主要形式的多项教学活动。这些活动的开展即让学生增强了自信,又能在比赛中锻炼学生听、说、读、写的能力,让学生端正学习态度,轻松学好语文。  【关键词】语文;教学内容;教学方法;教学活动  语文课是中职学校的公共课,从小学到高中一直被学校视为主科,然而在技工学校,学生“重专业而轻语文”的现象,使得探索新的
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银幕上,她是一个“美丽坏女人”;舞台下,她是中华慈善总会的形象大使。而最让人料想不到的是,年纪轻轻的她还是一个健康生活的高手。 On the screen, she is a “beautiful
雕塑家滑田友出生在淮阴农村一个木匠世家,十六岁为自己作了一尊头像,并辗转送到时在南京中央大学艺术系任教的徐悲鸿手上。徐悲鸿为才华所动,立 She was born in a carpen
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