
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:geng20516136
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今年秋委新学期开始,全国各地小学和初级中学的起始年级将实施国家教委制定的《九年义务教育课程计划(试行)》,使用新编的九年义务教育教材。根据国家教委规划,人民教育出版社编写了义务教育“六·三制”“五·四制”两套教材。这是自新中国成立以来,人民教育出版社编写的第九套教材。鉴于全国大多数地区的中小学选用了人民教育出版社新编义务教育教材,为了帮助广大中小学教师使用好人民教育出版社新编义务教育教材,本刊约请人民教育出版社总编辑和各学科教材(小学8科、初中14科)主编撰写了说明文章,介绍各科教材的主要特点、使用新教材时应重点掌握和注意的问题,供广大读者参考。 Beginning of the new autumn semester of this year, elementary schools and primary schools across the country will implement the “Nine-year Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan (Trial)” formulated by the State Education Commission and will use the new nine-year compulsory education textbook. According to the plan of the State Education Commission, People’s Education Press has compiled two sets of teaching materials on the “six-three system” and the “five-four system” of compulsory education. This is the ninth set of textbooks compiled by People’s Education Press since the founding of new China. In view of the primary and secondary schools in most parts of the country choose the People’s Education Press new compulsory education textbooks, in order to help the majority of primary and secondary school teachers use the People’s Education Press compilation of compulsory education textbooks, the magazine invited the people’s education press editor in chief and various disciplines Textbook (primary 8, junior high school 14) editor wrote a description of the article, introduces the main features of the various textbooks, the use of new textbooks should focus on mastering and attention to the problem, for the majority of readers reference.
We describe in this work an alkyne-hydrosilylation approach to synthesize a series of novel polysiloxane sidechain LCPs attaching end-on or side-on mesogenic si
2008年3月18日,北京市怀柔区图书馆新馆正式开馆接待读者。怀柔区图书馆占地面积6520平方米,建筑面积7309平方米,阅览座位554席,报告厅座位403 March 18, 2008, Huairou Dis