在器材少的情况下,能不能把军事体育活动开展起来?朝阳区牌坊小学在只有一支枪的条件下,把射击活动普遍开展起来的事迹,做了有力的回答: 牌坊小学是一所中等规模的农村学校,二十二个教学班,八百多名学生。一九七五年前,这里没有什么军体活动。这年底,学校接到区里将举办中、小学生射击比赛的通知,党支卫开始考虑开展军体活动了。他们想:学生大都是贫下中农子女,他们“从小学习解放军,立志长大保国防”,如果从小引导他们掌握
In the case of small equipment, can not carry out military sports activities? Primary school in Chaoyang District, under the condition of only one gun, shooting activities generally carried out deeds, made a strong answer: Arch Bridge primary school is a medium Scale rural schools, 22 teaching classes and more than 800 students. Before 1975, there was no military activity here. At the end of this year, the school received notice of shooting competitions for middle and primary school students in the district. Party branches began to consider military activities. They think: Most of the students are poor and middle peasants and children. They “learned the PLA from an early age and are determined to grow up and keep their national defense.” If they were young, they should be guided