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光阴似箭,岁月如流,转瞬间《精细石油化工》已经创刊十周年了。 回顾十年走过的道路,倍感欣慰。当然,我们走过的道路并非坦途,在前进的路上步履艰难,荆棘丛生。十年来,我们含辛茹苦,奋力拼搏,辛勤笔耕不辍,克服了许多困准,取得了较大的成绩,正是“十年艰辛不寻常,创刊经历自难忘。衣带渐宽终不悔,容颜憔悴苦亦甜。”但,既是正道,何拒沧桑,“千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金”。今天,尤其使我们欣慰、兴奋的是,发展精细化工已成为世界性的趋势,越来越受到许多国家的重视。十年来我们不断宣传,并为之呐喊的精细化工已受到我国的重视。我国许多省、市、部、总公司都把发展精细化工作为“七五”、“八五”的重点项目。我们坚信,随着我国石油化工的大发展,将为精细化工提供丰富的原材料,促进石化原料的深加工,开发出系列化、多用途、高附加价值的精细化工产品,以适应国民经济发展和人民生活等各方面的需要,这将成为我国石化上业发展的必然趋势。 Time flies, time flies, instant “Fine Petrochemical” has been the tenth anniversary of the founding. I am overjoyed to review the road that has passed in ten years. Of course, the road we have taken is not a smooth one. We are struggling and thorny on the road ahead. Over the past ten years, we have worked hard, worked hard, worked hard and stopped working hard, overcame many difficulties, and achieved greater success, it is “ten years of arduous unusual, start from unforgettable memories. Haggard bitter sweet. ”But, is both the right path, why refuse the vicissitudes of life, Today, we are especially gratified and excited about the fact that the development of fine chemicals has become a worldwide trend and is attracting more and more attention from many countries. Over the past decade we continue to promote, and the cry of the fine chemical industry has been our country’s attention. Many provinces, municipalities, ministries and head offices in our country regard the development of fine chemicals as the key project of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” and the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”. We firmly believe that with the great development of China’s petrochemical industry, it will provide abundant raw materials for fine chemicals, promote the deep processing of petrochemical raw materials, and develop a series of chemical products with multi-purpose and high added value so as to adapt to the development of the national economy and the people Life and other needs, which will become the inevitable trend of petrochemical industry in our country.
为了解决极少量的弹簧回火问题,现介绍一种简易弹簧回火法: 1.细弹簧回火(φ1.5mm以下的钢丝):其方法是将弹簧外面包上数层旧报纸,放在煤油中浸透后取出点燃,当报纸燃尽后,