Analysis of Non—Equivalence in Translation and Strategies in the Perspective of Culture

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  摘 要:The non-equivalence always happens in the languages’ translation. In Chinese and English, apart from several special used terms and technical words, the rest hardly have the same corresponding ones. Here will analyze the vocabulary, grammatical, and cultural non-equivalence between Chinese and English translation, give examples and find the strategy to solve the problem.
  关键词: culture; non-equivalence; strategy
  1 Introduction
  Culture appears invisible, yet it is pervasive since it has a profound effect on us. People tend to assume that a text in one language can be accurately translated into another as long as the translator uses a good bilingual dictionary. Unfortunately, language translation is difficult for languages are culturally bound. Many words are culturally loaded and have no direct equivalents; and a culture may not have the background to translate experiences specific to other cultures. Even when messages provide adequate interpretations of the original text, there is usually no full equivalence trough translation.
  2 The Non-Equivalence in Translation
  The following examples will illustrate the difficulties of language translation and the serious results of inappropriate translation of words with multiple meanings. These can be referred to the difficulties of linguistic equivalence, including lexical, grammatical, and experiential-cultural non-equivalence.
  2.1 Lexical Non-Equivalence
  The dictionary entries shows that the derogatory sense and connotation for the word, but sometimes they are ineffective. Like propaganda in English is absent in the Chinese word宣传, which in Chinese is used in different aspects of life to mean the “passing of information”. Therefore propaganda is obviously not the equivalent for word宣传, which may pose a problem in cross-cultural communication.(Chen,17-29)
  Likewise word translation, the idiom translation will not only make the westerners puzzled, but also make our Chinese split laughter, such as “吊儿郎当” , which cannot be translated literally. So we should first get rid of the comprehensive barrier and then translate into “careless and casual”. But even by doing so, we can’t get a satisfactory version for they lack of the aroma of the Chinese words.(51)
  So it is difficult to establish absolute correspondence between related words in two different languages.
  2.2 Grammatical Non-Equivalence
  The sentence patterns of Western inflectional languages are focused on the verb, and largely governed by the inflectional changes of the verb, which denote tense, aspect, person, number, case, gender, etc. Agreement of forms is essential. In Chinese, such a structural focus is absent. Instead, sentences are formed from “flowing phrase-chunks”; words are freely chained according to inherent logic of the content. Comprehension of sentences depends less on formal, objective features, and more on context and the reader’s subjective perception.(p.26)   Speakers of various Asian languages share the same interpretation of the passive formation. For example:
  John baked that cake.
  That cake was baked by John.
  The first sentence would be merely a statement of fact, whereas the second would imply that the agent did a bad job. Even fluent English speakers from Chinese and Japanese backgrounds may continue to make this interpretation. Cultural differences in experiences and values may be reflected in such patterned elements as sequences of events. It can thus be seen that the meaning of lexical, grammatical, or discourse structures is largely depends upon the agreement of a group of speakers as to their symbolic value.
  2.3 Experiential-Cultural Non-Equivalence
  Translators must render not only the structural differences between languages but also the cultural differences. In translation, when we lack the words in our vocabulary to present those in the other culture, we lack cultural experience that are shared by people of both cultural experience. China is a multinational country with various conventions and cultures. If the translators don’t know it, they will meet obstacles. For example, Chinese people like bamboo because “Bamboo suggests peace and safety.” But in western countries, bamboo conveys no such meaning. Therefore, translations frequently produce misunderstanding or incomprehension. For example, a literal translation of the phrase以“杀出一条血路”(to cut a bloody path through)的气魄闯出一条新路may cause misunderstanding that Chinese are too militant, which is definitely not the meaning of the phrase.
  3 Strategies of Translation
  A culture is essentially untranslatable, that is not to say the language itself cannot be translated, actually it is rather difficult for the reader to reach the feeling the author want to convey. So here are the strategies:
  3.1.Transliteration and Noting
  People cannot find the corresponding ones in another language, we need to use the transliteration. Like, “红盖头”, we cannot translate it into “wedding gown”, for it is totally the another thing in western countries. We’d better translate it by its sound. What’s more, we must also do necessary explanation to help people understand what it really is, like “四合院” , most western people would not realize what it is and what is for. So we note to it, like “traditional single-story houses with rows of rooms around the 4 sides of a courtyard”. Only in this way will the foreign readers get the picture of it.   3.2. Supplementation
  We often come across such circumstances: the meaning of the original English sentence is complete as well as clear, but the translation becomes incomplete and obscure. The meaning of the original words or sentences sometimes is implied, we have to make supplementation to make the translation faithful to the original.
  For example: Eighty years ago they were married. They have survived their families’ shock and disapproval and the stares and unwelcome comments of strangers.
  Thus, it is not only expressed the true meaning of the original sentence but also conformed to the way of speaking and writing of the targeted language.
  4 Conclusion
  Nowadays, inter-language and inter-cultural exchanges are becoming increasingly extensive and frequent. So we should not only study merits and defects of these translation strategies, but also evaluate their respective values of application as to under what circumstance, for what purpose and in what kind of text types we use.
  Chen Jianping. Translation and Intercultural Communication, Foreign language teaching and research press,2012.September
  Zhao Xiaohong. The vocabulary non-equivalence between Chinese and English translation, 2011.
  郭东晓(1991~ ),女,河北省邯郸市武安市,北华大学公共外语教育学院在读14级硕士研究生,研究方向:翻译。
摘 要:音乐是用来表达人们的思想感情,表现社会现实生活的一种艺术形式。其特征之一在于能够引起听者的共鸣。长期以来,我国的音乐教学侧重于强调音乐知识和技能,忽视了音乐教学中的情感教育,违背了音乐教学的目的。本文将从情感教育入手,分析音乐教学中情感教育的重要性,并提出相应的策略方法。  关键词:情感教育;高中音乐教学;策略  新的教学目标在传统的强调“知识与能力”之外又增加了“过程与方法”和“情感态度
作为一名中学教师,如何培养学生创新能力,找到培养和发展学生创新能力的有效途径,在数学教学中愈来愈显得重要。本人在具体的数学教学过程中,注重了学生创新能力的培养,该文就“学生创新精神的培养和创新能力的发展”的几点做法和体会表述如下:  一、数学教师的创新意识是培养学生创新能力的首要条件  教育本身就是一个创新的过程,教师必须具有创新意识,改变以知识传授为中心的教学思路,以培养学生的创新意识和实践能力
当今世界是一个充满竞争的世界,且竞争又来自于各个领域。然而其实质归根结底不外乎两个字,那就是:科技!因此,提高中华民族的科学素养就显得非常的重要。而处于中学阶段的青少年更是祖国的未来和希望,所以,在青少年中进行科技教育就变得更加的迫切。  然而在中学进行科技教育的过程当中出现了许多的问题,这就需要我们更加深入的思考和系统的研究,找到行之有效的解决办法,使科技教育能够在中学得到真正的实施。以下是本人
教育家赞可夫指出:“在各科教学中要始终注意发展学生的逻辑思维,培养学生的思维的灵活性和创造性”。在数学教学过程中,教师要特别重视和发展学生的好奇心,让每一个学生养成想问题、问问题、挖问题和延伸问题的习惯。让所有的学生都知道自己有权力和能力提出新见解、发现新问题。这一点对学生的发展很重要,它有利于学生克服迷信和盲从,树立起科学的思想和方法,有利于学生形成良好的学习品质,从而激发学生的求知欲望。  一