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本文在矿床延展规模、稳定程度及构造发育程度三类定性指标划分勘探类型的基础上,据我国磷矿床特点,除将上述定性指标定量化外,还增加了变化系数修正值,二级差及变异函数三项定量指标。变化系数修正值系二次平差法,消除总体趋势变化影响后矿床的随机变化程度:二级差用以反映各标志值的空间排列关系;变异函数解决地质变量具有随机性和规律性二重变化条件的统计研究问题。结合磷矿床实例,对上述六项指标的分级进行统计、对比和等级划分,然后按其作用大小及可靠程度给予不同的指数赋值,计算各矿床的熵值来表征勘探类型标志的综合特征。按熵值将磷矿床划分为四个勘探类型。经对20个实例计算表明,其划分与矿床探采对比实际资料结论基本一致。该方法还可作为其他矿种勘探类型定量化研究的借鉴。 Based on the three types of qualitative indexes, such as the extension scale, the degree of stability and the degree of tectonic development, the paper classifies the types of exploration, according to the characteristics of phosphate deposits in our country, in addition to quantifying the above qualitative indexes, we also add the correction coefficient of variation coefficient, Variational function of three quantitative indicators. The correction coefficient of the change coefficient is the quadratic adjustment method to eliminate the degree of random variation of the deposit after the impact of the general trend change: the second-order difference is used to reflect the spatial arrangement of the values ​​of each sign; the variability function can solve the double change of geological variables with randomness and regularity Conditions of statistical research. Combined with the examples of phosphorus deposits, the classification, classification and grading of the above six indicators are carried out. Then the different index assignments are given according to their size and reliability, and the entropy of each deposit is calculated to represent the comprehensive characteristics of the exploration type signs. According to the entropy, the phosphate deposit is divided into four exploration types. Computation of 20 examples shows that the division is basically the same with the actual data of exploration and mining. The method can also be used as a quantitative study of other types of mineral exploration.
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