
来源 :检察实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wx0020
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根据《宪法》和《人民检察院组织法》的规定,上下级检察机关属于领导与被领导的双重领导关系。从当前实际情况来看,上级院对下级院的领导仅限于业务方面的指导,而对下级院的人、财、物无实体权利主张。 为确保政法机关公正执法,防止司法腐败滋生和蔓延,中央决定所有政法部门从1999年起一律吃皇粮,要求各级党委和政府必须确保政法机关必要的经费开支。从当前基层贯彻执行“吃皇粮”政策的情况来看,不是很理想。虽然各级党委、政府对中央的决策高度重视,但由于财政困难拿不出钱的因素,导致政法部门尤其是贫困地区的政法部门,在客观上存在“杂粮”不能吃,皇粮吃不饱的现实状况。办案、办公业务经费紧缺的局面,仍然未能有太大的改观。 纵观各地区的财政政策,一般均是对司法行政部 Under the provisions of the Constitution and the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate, procuratorates at the lower and upper levels belong to the dual leadership relationship between leadership and leadership. Judging from the current actual situation, the leadership of the higher courts to the lower courts is limited to the guidance of the business, while the people, financial and material rights of the lower courts have no substantive claims. To ensure justices of law and law enforcement and to prevent the spread of judicial corruption, the Central Government decided that all political and legal departments should eat imperial grain cerealies from 1999 onwards and that Party committees and governments at all levels must ensure necessary funding for political and legal institutions. From the current implementation of the grassroots “eat imperial grain” policy situation, is not very satisfactory. Although the party committees and governments at all levels attach great importance to the decision-making by the Central Government, the political and legal departments, especially the political and legal departments in poor areas, have objectively the existence of “miscellaneous grains” that can not be eaten and the imperial grain is not enough Actual situation. Handling cases, office funding shortage situation, still can not have much improvement. Looking at the fiscal policies of various regions, they are all generally against the Ministry of Justice
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一、合理布局,确定初查方案 首先,对举报材料作深入细致、全面分析。从全局的观点出发,作出宏观调控,确定初查范围,选好方向,找准目标。同时,注意局部与整体、短期与长远的