省林业区划总结表彰大会在白城市召开 吉林省林业区划研究会正式成立

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为了总结经验,表彰先进,推动区划工作向纵深开展,省林业厅于1985年3月15日至16日在白城市召开了林业区划总结表彰奖励大会,出席会议的有各市、地、州林业局(处)负责区划工作的领导、林业专家和林业区划先进工作者,省农业区划办,区划所领导也到会参加指导。蒋袒辉副厅长总结了六年来区划工作的经验教训,强调今后要进一步加强区划工作的领导,做好与规划工作的衔接,把林业区划工作推向以战略研究、应用为重点的新阶段,为振兴吉林林业做出贡献。 In order to summarize the experience, commend the advanced and promote the zoning work to carry out in depth, the provincial Forestry Department held in March 15, 1985 to 16 in Baicheng City forestry division summary recognition awarding conference, attended by the municipal, prefectural and state forestry bureau (Division) is responsible for the division of work of the leaders, forestry experts and forestry division of advanced workers, the provincial agricultural division office, division of the leadership also attend the guidance. Deputy Director Jiang Tihui summed up the experiences and lessons learned from the zoning work over the past six years. He emphasized that in the future, it is necessary to further strengthen the leadership of the zoning work and make the connection with the planning work, and push the work of regionalization of forestry to a new stage focusing on strategic research and application , To contribute to the revitalization of Jilin forestry.
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