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根据近年古生物区系、岩相古地理、地质构造以及古地磁等的研究,特别是晚古生代—白垩纪古生物区系、分异度指数特征以及古地磁数据等,笔者认为,从晚古生代—白垩纪印度板块和青藏高原(欧亚板块)之间不存在至今还流传引用的浩瀚深邃宽达6000~7000km、向东敞开的特提斯大洋,其时印度板块与欧亚大陆之间呈现小洋盆、海湾、裂陷槽与微古陆相间的构造格局;也未发生过印度大陆和青藏高原南部地体跨这一特提斯大洋自南向北作长距离漂移。笔者对近年在高原进行的大地水准测量、GPS、同位素年代学(~(39)Ar/~(40)Ar,裂变径迹等)结果进行了分析研究,扼要地阐述了青藏高原隆升过程和速率;提出高原隆升大体可分为三大阶段,即:白垩纪—始新世慢速隆升期,中新世—上新世中等速率隆升期及更新世—全新世快速隆升期;隆升速率随时间更新而增快,在空间上隆升速率有自北而南由慢到快的趋势;同时在中新世和更新世,出现两次突变增快转折点。根据近10年地质和地球物理资料,特别是深部地球物理资料,笔者再次提出,青藏高原的隆升机制是多因素、多阶段和多层次的不均匀隆升。高原地壳缩短、加厚和隆升受到三大力源控制:一是来自南面印度板块的挤压及其四周塔里木、扬子以及中朝地台的滞后阻力,产生向高原内不均匀的汇聚挤压和导? According to the paleontological fauna, lithofacies palaeogeography, geologic structure and paleomagnetism in recent years, especially the Late Paleozoic-Cretaceous paleontology fauna, the characteristics of the index of dissimilarity and paleomagnetic data, the authors believe that from the Late Paleozoic to Cretaceous Between the Indian Plate and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Eurasian Plate), there is no vast oceanic reference to the vast 6000 ~ 7000km, eastward open Tethys Ocean, when the Indian plate and the Eurasian continent showing a small oceanic basin , Gulf, rift trough and microfacies; nor have long-term excursions across the Tethys Ocean from south to north across the mainland of India and the southern Tibetan Plateau. The author analyzes the geomagnetic leveling, GPS, isotopic geochronology (~ (39) Ar / ~ (40) Ar, fission track, etc.) conducted in the recent years in the Tibetan Plateau. It is proposed that the uplift of the plateau can be divided into three major stages: the Cretaceous-Eocene uplift, the Miocene-Pliocene middle-rate uplift and the Pleistocene-Holocene uplift ; The uplift rate increased faster with time, and the uplift rate in space had a trend from north to south from slow to fast; at the same time, two transitional accelerating turning points occurred in Miocene and Pleistocene. Based on nearly 10 years of geophysical and geophysical data, especially deep geophysical data, the author again suggests that the uplift mechanism of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a multi-factor, multi-stage and multi-layered non-uniform uplift. The crustal shortening, thickening and uplift of the plateau are controlled by three major sources: one is the extrusion from the Indian plate in the south and the hysteresis drag around the Tarim, Yangtze, and China-North Korea terraces around the plateau, leading to uneven convergence and extrusion to the plateau guide?
一、引言在多种吨位级的商业用车型谱中,应首先考虑拖挂列车的空气动力性的优化问题。本文将介绍鞍式拖挂列车基本型(图1)模型及其原型车的空气动力学研究工作。 I. INTROD
电力部岩土测试仪器考察组于1980年11月15日至12月7日赴英国就土工室内试验仪器和土坝观测仪器进行考察。英方主要接待单位是威克曼·法瑞斯工程公司(Wykeham.Farrance Engi
本文简述了我国垃圾收集与运输现状,分析了我国垃圾用车发展前景。 This article briefly describes the status quo of garbage collection and transportation in China,
为保证葛洲坝水利枢纽大江按期截流,必须在1980年汛后10~11月份将二江上游围堰外,经1979~1980年两个汛期的回流淤积100余 In order to ensure the closure of the major rive