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2000年10月28日是中芬建交50周年纪念日。在为此举行的一系列庆祝活动中,关于“信息社会”的专题研讨会尤为引人注目。芬兰交通及通讯部Olli-Pekaa Heinonen部长、中国信息产业部吴基传部长、中国教育部韦钰副部长、中国国民经济研究所樊纲所长、中国政策研究会林融主任等领导和专家、学者以及诺基亚、利永联、实华开等企业的高层管理者和中国的业内人士300多人汇集一堂,共同探讨信息经济给人类社会发展带来的机遇与挑战。本刊将Heinonen部长、吴基传部长和诺基亚执行副总裁Veli Sundback先生的讲话(节选)刊登于此,为的是向读者传播这样一个理念:在当今知识化、信息化、市场化、经济一体化的全球大环境下,只有发达国家与发展中国家之间团结协作,政府、企业与民众之间达成共识,知识和高科技才能最大限度地服务于不同阶层、不同地域的群体,才可能有全人类的和平与发展。 October 28, 2000 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Finland. In a series of celebrations for this purpose, the Symposium on “Information Society” was particularly noticeable. Olli-Pekaa Heinonen, Minister of Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland; Wu Ji-chuan, Minister of the Ministry of Information Industry of China; Wei Yu, Vice Minister of the Chinese Ministry of Education; Fan Gang, Director of China Institute of National Economy; Director, China Ronglin, Director of China Policy Research Institute; As well as top executives from enterprises such as Nokia, Lyon Alliance, Shiva and more than 300 industry professionals in China to discuss the opportunities and challenges brought by the information economy to the development of human society. In this issue, we will give a briefing to readers by presenting the speech (excerpt) of Minister Heinonen, Minister Wu Jichuan and Executive Vice President of Nokia Veli Sundback, in order to spread the idea to readers that in today’s knowledge-based, informatized, marketized, and economic In a globalized environment, it is only through unity and cooperation between the developed and developing countries that governments, enterprises and the public can reach a consensus that knowledge and high technology can serve the greatest number of people at different social strata and in different geographical areas. The peace and development of all mankind.
十七岁那年,中学毕业回家,和母亲一起开始了土里刨食的日子。家中缺少男劳力,支撑门户的担子就落到我幼嫩的肩上。在众多的生活中,最令我怵心的是浇地。农村 At the age of
自己的稻田秋阳里闪烁金光沉实的向着泥土 Blossoming in the autumn sun in his own rice field is solid toward the soil