High duty cycle,highly efficient fiber coupled 940-nm pump module for high-energy solid-state lasers

来源 :High Power Laser Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeall
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Tailored diode laser single emitters with long(6 mm) resonators and wide(1.2 mm) emission apertures that operate with940 nm emission wavelength were assembled in novel edge-cooled vertically stacked arrays, and used to construct a compact and highly efficient fiber coupled pump source for Yb:YAG pulsed high-energy class solid-state lasers. The novel configuration is shown to allow repetition rates of 200 Hz at 1 ms pulse duration, at an output power of 130 W per single emitter. The emission of two stacked arrays was then optically combined to realize pump modules that deliver6 kW peak power(pulse energy 6 J) from a 1.9 mm core diameter fiber, with wall plug efficiency of 50%. This represents a significant improvement in terms of duty cycle and electro-optical efficiency over conventional sources. The pump module has been successfully tested at the Max Born Institute, Berlin during trials for pumping of disk lasers. Tailored diode laser single emitters with long (6 mm) resonators and wide (1.2 mm) emission apertures that operate with 940 nm emission wavelength were assembled in novel edge-cooled vertically stacked arrays, and used to construct a compact and highly efficient fiber coupled pump source for Yb: YAG pulsed high-energy class solid-state lasers. The novel configuration is shown to allow repetition rates of 200 Hz at 1 ms pulse duration, at an output power of 130 W per single emitter. The emission of two stacked arrays was then optically combined to realize pump modules that deliver 6 kW peak power (pulse energy 6 J) from a 1.9 mm core diameter fiber, with wall plug efficiency of 50%. This represents a significant improvement in terms of duty cycle and electro-optical efficiency over The pump module has been successfully tested at the Max Born Institute, Berlin during trials for pumping of disk lasers.
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