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四年前,共产黨与工人黨情報局發表了‘关於南斯拉夫共产黨情勢’这个歷史性的决议,英明地指出:南斯拉夫的叛徒們是‘不声不响地從大家都知道的资产阶级民族主义的论断出发的,即認为:“资本主义國家对南斯拉夫的危險比蘇聯对南斯拉夫的危險還要少一些”。’這个决議又指出:‘這种民族主義的路线,只能使南斯拉夫蜕化为普通的资产阶級共和國,使南斯拉夫丧失独立,使南斯拉夫变为帝國主义國家的殖民地。’四年來的事實完全证明了這一点。铁托—闌科維奇匪幫已经把南斯拉夫变为帝國主義集团的附庸和侵略政策的工具。在经濟上,南斯拉夫已完全恢復了资本主義,被美帝國主義收进马歇爾化國家之列;在軍事上,南斯拉夫已成为帝国主義準备進攻蘇聯和人民民主國家的跳板;在外交上,南斯拉夫完全服從美英集團的决定,对蘇聯和人民民主國家進行恶意的攻擊,而南斯拉夫的外交机关已变成美英的间谍机关;在內政上,铁托匪幫控制着南斯拉夫整个國家机器和‘南斯拉夫共产黨’,實行着法西斯的恐怖统治。但南斯拉夫人民在真正的共产黨人领导下正在进行着堅决的反铁托集团的鬥爭。‘在地下鬥爭的情况下,南斯拉夫人民的革命力量正在形成和增長着,南斯拉夫真正的共產黨正在建立起來’(‘爭取持久和平,争取人民民主!’中文版第一○○期)。下面登载的‘我曾为铁托服務’是從南斯拉夫逃出來的一個反铁托分子所寫的一本小冊子,它暴露了鐵托匪幫的罪恶行为,使读者能更加感性地了解铁托匪幫統治下的南斯拉夫的情况。本文是根據捷克斯洛伐克文化宣传部一九五一年九月出版的英譯本译出。 Four years ago, the Communist Party and the Workers ’Party Intelligence Bureau issued the historic resolution on the situation in the Yugoslav Communist Party. They wisely pointed out: The traitors in Yugoslavia are’ quietly from what we all know, bourgeois nationalism That is, “the danger posed by the capitalist countries to Yugoslavia is less than that of the Soviet Union against Yugoslavia.” The resolution also pointed out: ’This nationalist line can only degenerate Yugoslavia into an ordinary bourgeois republic, depriving Yugoslavia of its independence and turning Yugoslavia into a colony of imperialist countries.’ The facts of the past four years have fully proved this point. Tito - Revolucci has transformed Yugoslavia into a policy of vassal and aggression for imperialist groups. Economically, Yugoslavia has completely restored its capitalist ranks and has been taken up by the U.S. imperialists in the ranks of the Marshallized countries. Yugoslavia has become the springboard for the imperialists’ preparations to attack the Soviet Union and its people’s democracies. On the diplomatic front, Yugoslavia In full compliance with the decision of the United States and Britain, they have carried out malicious attacks on the Soviet Union and the people’s democracies. The Yugoslav diplomatic service has become the spying organ of the United States and Britain. On the internal affairs, the Tito clique has control over the entire Yugoslav machine and the Yugoslav Communist Party, The implementation of the fascist terrorist rule. However, the people of Yugoslavia are under the leadership of genuine Communists in the ongoing struggle of the resolute anti-trust group. In the context of underground struggles, the revolutionary forces of the Yugoslav people are being formed and growing. The real Communist Party of Yugoslavia is being established. ’(’ Striving for a Lasting Peace, Winning People’s Democracy, ’Chinese version No. 100). The following “I have served for the Tito” is a booklet written by an anti-Tito escaped from Yugoslavia that exposes the sinful behavior of the Tito clique and gives readers a more emotional understanding of Yugoslavia, under the control of the Tito gangs Case. This article is based on an English translation of the Czechoslovak Propaganda Department, published in September 1951.