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  A pacemaker is a small device that doctors place in people with an abnormal heartbeat. If a heart beats too slowly the pacemaker will use electrical signals to help set a normal rate. Some devices include a
  defibrillator[(电击)除颤器] which gives a shock if the heart beats too fast. Pacemakers may be permanent or
  temporary, but one thing is sure: developing countries need more of them as more people get heart disease. A big problem, however, is the cost. Buying and implanting a pacemaker costs from 5,000 to 15,000 dollars.
  But doctors at the University of Michigan think they know a way to lower that cost. The idea is to reuse
  pacemakers. Heart doctor Timir Baman estimates that more than one million people worldwide need
  pacemakers each year. He says reusing a pacemaker is an ethical[合乎道德的] way to provide health care to those who have no other way to get one.
  Baman: A country such as Bangladesh or India, they
  average less than eight new implants per million, and the United States we average 752 new implants per million.
  He got the idea a few years ago. One of his patients asked if someone might be given her pacemaker for reuse after she died. But are used pacemakers safe? Doctor Baman studied medical reports about the safety of pacemakers that were being reused in small studies.
  Funeral directors normally remove pacemakers when preparing bodies for cremation[火葬]. Pacemakers can explode if they are burned. So Doctor Baman asked funeral directors in Michigan to send the pacemakers
  to him. He and other researchers at the University of Michigan Medical Center tested the used pacemakers. They cleaned and disinfected[给……消毒] the ones in good working order. Then they sent them to doctors in the
  Philippines, Vietnam, and Ghana. The doctors successfully
  implanted the used pacemakers in 12 patients.
  Baman: If we show that this is safe, other academic centers in the United States, as well as in Europe, can then form their own pacemaker reutilization programs and really help out countries in Africa, really help out countries in Asia, who really have no other access[通道] to this type of devices.
  The findings were recently presented at a conference
  in Washington of the American Heart Association. Now Timir Baman has asked the United States Food and Drug Administration for approval to do a larger test. He says that he is hopeful the program will work.
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去年一部《和莎莫的500天》让很多人记住了当时28岁的约瑟夫·高登-莱维特。查看资料,才发现原来他是童星出身,可算是身经百战。这位年轻的美国演员算不上英俊潇洒(其实打扮一下还是挺帅气的),但气质独特。他的眼睛很小——深色的眼珠隐藏在两个大眼窝里,眼角下垂,总让人联想到忧伤,以为他快要哭出来了。所以他演绎的各类角色,即使是拳击手,也总会散发出些许柔弱。  现在,很多人视他为第二个希斯·莱杰。看看两人
无论你是否熟悉希腊神话,都一定听说过大力士赫拉克勒斯(又译“海格力斯”)——他是古希腊人心目中最理想的超级英雄,行踪和事迹遍及希腊各地,完成了12项伟大功绩,甚至有一种说法认为他很可能是奥林匹克运动会的开创者;他是欧洲文化的著名人物之一,其形象在无数文学艺术作品中被反复借用。本期“探索区”将带领大家回到神与英雄的洪荒岁月,一起听听这个流传千古的英雄物语——    学习小提示:本文有不少生词,但语音
听力小提示:本文内容简单,语言风趣幽默,可以脱离文字先听一遍,归纳出文中提到的“四大法则”,再对照内容看看你能否抓住要点。    There’s no such thing as a reliable[可靠的] network for cell phone service in horror movies.  Woman A: There’s no signal.   Woman B: What?
新学年开始,大家都升级  了——也许你还是和以前的同学同班,也许你已经升到更高年级,开始全新的学习生活——是时候整理一下人际关系咯。你是否仍有上学年遗留下来的裂痕尚未修补?你想与新同学打成一片、好好相处吗?即便你只想维持现有的友谊,小编希望以下小提示能为大家带来帮助,祝愿同学们能在一个融洽和谐的氛围中好好学习,天天向上!^_^    Be Left Out or Make Friends?  It
I’m laying here dreaming  Staring at the ceiling  Wasting the day away  The world’s flying by  Our window outside  But hey baby, that’s okay  This feels so right  It can’t be wrong  So far as I can se
Tell me something light, she says, something I’ll forget.  So I tell her penguins are so old, they have outlived the dinosaurs.   I tell her 1)carp has no natural life span and could technically live
你一上政治课就想打瞌睡吗,或者一听见“哲学”两个字就会眼前发黑?其实哲学并不一定就是沉闷难懂的天书,思想道德课也可以引人入胜——法学教授迈克尔·桑德尔的“公正:该如何做是好?”(“Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?”)就是最受哈佛新生欢迎的公开课。他通过生动有趣的举例引发学生思考现实问题,其视频在各大网站创下超高点击率。本文节选自第一堂课的结语部分,词汇不