
来源 :山西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjg12322
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充分了解土壤养分的时空变异特性,结合施肥现状针对性地调节养分供应、合理施肥是提高养分资源利用效率的途径之一,也是促进精准农业快速发展的重要基础。利用经典统计学与地统计学相结合的方法,对寿阳县宗艾镇的土壤养分进行了跨度10年的时空变异分析,结果表明,从空间变异方面来说,速效钾2008年、有效磷2008年、有机质1998年都有强烈的空间变异,有机质2008年、全氮2008年、全氮1998年、速效钾1998年为中等空间变异,有效磷1998年具有弱的空间自相关性。从时间变异方面来说,1998—2008年之间,土壤有机质的平均含量下降了2.06g/kg,而土壤全氮的平均含量则增加了0.07g/kg。土壤有机质含量为20.1~30.0g/kg的面积减少了10.45%;土壤全氮含量为0.76~1.00g/kg的面积增加了11.9%;土壤速效钾含量为100~150mg/kg的面积增加了15.6%;土壤有效磷含量为5.1~10.0mg/kg的面积增加了23%。有机质、全氮、速效钾在时间上表现为中等稳定性,有效磷在时间上表现为不稳定性。 It is one of the ways to improve the utilization efficiency of nutrient resources by fully understanding the spatio-temporal variation characteristics of soil nutrients and regulating the supply of nutrients in combination with the status of fertilization. It is also an important basis for promoting the rapid development of precision agriculture. Using the method of combining classical statistics with geostatistics, the spatiotemporal variation of soil nutrients in Zongyi town of Shouyang County for 10 years was analyzed. The results showed that in terms of spatial variability, In 2008, there was a strong spatial variation of organic matter in 1998. Organic nitrogen in 2008 Total nitrogen in 2008 Total nitrogen In 1998, available potassium was a medium-sized spatial variation, and available phosphorus had a weak spatial autocorrelation in 1998. In terms of time variation, the average content of soil organic matter decreased by 2.06g / kg from 1998 to 2008, while the average content of soil total nitrogen increased by 0.07g / kg. The area of ​​soil organic matter content of 20.1 ~ 30.0g / kg decreased by 10.45%, the area of ​​soil total nitrogen content of 0.76 ~ 1.00g / kg increased by 11.9%, the area of ​​soil available potassium content of 100 ~ 150mg / kg increased by 15.6 %; The available phosphorus content of soil increased from 5.1 to 10.0 mg / kg by 23%. Organic matter, total nitrogen, available potassium in the time showed moderate stability, available phosphorus in the performance of the instability.
行业概览 缝纫机行业属于精密机械加工工业,是技术密集型和劳动密集型相结合的产业。主要包括家用缝纫机和工业缝纫机两大类。2000年我国有缝制设备整机生产企业170多家;年总