
来源 :中国拍卖 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erpangpang
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开栏语时光荏苒,日月如梭。自1986年9月10日,全国第一家拍卖企业——国营广州拍卖行成立,中国拍卖业恢复发展已经走入第27个年头。27年来,中国拍卖业在拍卖人的不懈探索和开拓创新中,逐步发展壮大,成为中国经济发展中不可或缺的组成部分,在国有土地、资源、政府和司法机关罚没资产、文化艺术品以及规模庞大的社会私有财产处置等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。截至2012年12月,我国内地拍卖企业共有5860家,分支机构223家,全行业注册资本总额为221.91亿元。行业从业人员突破6万人,国家注册拍卖师为11040人。在这支队伍中,走在前排的是那些行业成立之初的拓荒者,那些闪亮的名字将永远镌刻在中国拍卖行业的史册上。进入2013年,在全行业迎接新的挑战之时,中国拍卖业第一代拍卖人正逐渐地从拍卖一线的岗位上退下来。虽然他们离开了拍卖一线,但他们永远不会离开为之倾注了全部心血的拍卖事业。他们是我们全行业的财富。他们白手起家,艰苦创业的故事,他们勇于探索,勇于创新的精神,他们对拍卖诚信经营原则的坚守,永远值得新一代拍卖人学习。 Open the column language time 荏 苒, the sun and the moon as shuttle. Since September 10, 1986, the first auction enterprise in China, State-run Guangzhou Auction House, was set up and the recovery and development of Chinese auction industry has entered the 27th year. Over the past 27 years, the Chinese auction industry has grown steadily in the unremitting exploration and pioneering and innovation of the auctioneers and has become an indispensable part of China’s economic development. The state-owned land, resources, government and judiciary have confiscated assets, cultural and art objects, Large-scale social private property disposal and other aspects play an increasingly important role. As of December 2012, China’s mainland auction companies a total of 5860, 223 branch offices, the industry registered capital of 22.191 billion yuan. The number of practitioners in the industry exceeded 60,000, and the number of registered auctioneers nationwide was 11,040. In the front ranks are those pioneers who were founded at the beginning of the industry. Those shiny names will always be engraved on the annals of the Chinese auction industry. In 2013, as the industry embraced new challenges, the first generation auctioneers in the Chinese auction industry were gradually withdrawing from the positions on the auction front. Although they have left the auction line, they will never leave with the painstaking auction. They are the wealth of our entire industry. They start from scratch, arduous pioneering stories, their courage to explore, innovative spirit, their adherence to the principle of integrity of the auction auction will always be worth learning from a new generation of auctioneers.
A series of experiments were conducted to study the major procedures in nuclear transplanation such as oocyte enucleation and activation,electrofusion and devel
本文探讨了采用刚玉涂覆的金刚石制造树脂基砂轮的方法 ,并对比研究了采用不同表面状态的金刚石所制造的树脂砂轮用于磨削金刚石复合片的实验。结果表明 ,采用刚玉涂覆的金刚
本报海口讯 (李智学、章晓宏)9月27日,“三沙”品牌发展座谈会在海南海口召开。海南省副省长李国梁、国家烟草专卖局副局长段铁力出席会议并讲话。$$李国梁指出,这次会议的召开,对