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文科学报是综合性的定期学术刊物;学报编辑人员,不管是从事文、史、哲、教、经、法等任何一个学科,都需要力求“学者化”。这当然是一个要求较高的提法,但无论从编辑工作或人员修养等哪方面来说,编辑人员必须一定程度的“学者化”,却是没有疑义的。把文科学报编辑工作理解为排排文稿,划划版式,改改文字等技术性工作,那是片面的,陈旧的观念。把一本向国内外发行的综合性的定期学术刊物的学报,编成一本一本的校内人员学术成果综合论文集,也是一种片面的、不可取的方法。 试以文学编辑来说,除自己的专业功底之外,还必须跟古今中外文学作品的研究评论,特别是当前文艺思潮、理论、批评的状况和有关倌息,并形成自己的基本见解;否则,就无法评价有关学科来稿的选题的意义和价值,就无法评价和难以迅速拿定取舍的思想。当然,要跟踪的信息得按自己学报的需要和自己负担的工作范围而有侧重、有详略;全面地平均使用力量,即使只以文学一科所包含的范围来说,也是难以做到的。但无沦如何,总要尽可能去扩大阅读面,掌握新信息。可以说,准确评价自己所负责的学科(无论是文、史、哲、教、政、法)来稿选题的意义和价值,是编辑人员第一重要的、最关键的基本功底。就一篇文章来说,选题好不好是决定性的;选题好而写得不好的 Journal of Liberal Arts is a comprehensive periodical academic journal. Journal editors need to be “scholarly” regardless of whether they are engaged in any of the disciplines such as literature, history, philosophy, teaching, economics and law. This is certainly a more demanding formulation. However, editors must have a certain degree of “scholarization” in terms of editorial work or personnel training, but there is no doubt about it. It is a one-sided and outdated idea to understand the editorial work of a liberal arts journal as a technical work such as arranging manuscripts, drawing layouts and changing written words. It is also a one-sided and undesirable solution to compile a comprehensive journal of comprehensive periodic academic journals published in China and abroad into a comprehensive collection of academic achievements of school personnel. In terms of literary editors, in addition to their own professional skills, they must also form their own basic opinions with the research reviews of ancient and modern literary works, especially the current state of art and literature, theories and criticisms and related information. Otherwise, , It is impossible to evaluate the significance and value of the topics selected for the contributions of the disciplines and thus it is impossible to evaluate and find it difficult to quickly decide on the options available. Of course, the information to be tracked should be focused and detailed according to the needs of its own journal and the scope of its own work. It is difficult to achieve a comprehensive and even average use of force, even if it falls within the scope of a first-class literature . However, no decline, always try to expand the reading surface, grasp the new information. It can be said that it is the first and most important basic foundation for editors to accurately evaluate the significance and value of the selected topics in their respective subjects (whether in the history of literature, history, philosophy, education, politics or law). In an essay, choosing a good topic is decisive; choosing a good one is not good
英特网(Internet),现在正成为我们生活中最流行的话题之一,它已经影响到我们生活的方方面面,几乎每一个人都无法逃避Internet的存在这一现实。 The Internet, which is now