QTL Analysis of Major Agronomic Traits in Soybean

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiyigudan
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Soybean is a main crop,and most agronomic traits of soybean are quantitative;therefore,there is very important studying and applying value to locating these traits.A F 2:10 RIL population containing 154 lines,derived from the cross between Charleston as female and Dongnong 594 as male parent,were used in this experiment.A genetic linkage map was constructed with 164 SSR primers,which were screened with the two parents and amplified on the 154 lines.12 agronomic traits different between the two parents were investigated,and QTLs of all the traits were analyzed using the software Windows QTL Cartographer V2.0.The agronomic traits included quality traits:protein content,oil content,and content of protein and oil;yield traits:pods per plant,seed weight per plant,and 100 seeds weight;and other agronomic traits: plant height,days to maturity,branches,nod number in main stem,average leaf length,and average leaf width.The results showed that 68 QTLs in total were found for the 12 agronomic traits.The number of QTLs per trait varied from 3 for the average leaf width to 11 for 100 seeds weight and plant height,and was 5.8 on average.Good accordance was seen in many QTLs between the results of this study and the results obtained by other similar studies;therefore,these QTLs may be valuable for molecular marker assistant selection in soybean.In this study,68 major QTLs of 12 important traits of soybean were analyzed. Soybean is a main crop, and most agronomic traits of soybean are quantitative; therefore, there is very important studying and applying value to locating these traits. AF 2:10 RIL population containing 154 lines, derived from the cross between Charleston as female and Dongnong 594 as male parent, were used in this experiment. A genetic linkage map was constructed with 164 SSR primers, which were screened with the two parents and amplified on the 154 lines.12 agronomic traits different between the two parents were investigated, and QTLs of all the traits were analyzed using the software Windows QTL Cartographer V2.0. The agronomic traits included quality traits: protein content, oil content, and content of protein and oil; yield traits: pods per plant, seed weight per plant, and 100 seeds weight; and other agronomic traits: plant height, days to maturity, branches, nod number in main stem, average leaf length, and average leaf width. The results showed that 68 QTLs in total were found for the 12 agronomic tra its.The number of QTLs per trait varied from 3 for the average leaf width to 11 for 100 seeds weight and plant height, and was 5.8 on average. Good mood was seen in many QTLs between the results of this study and the results obtained by other similar studies; therefore, these QTLs may be valuable for molecular marker assistant selection in soybean.In this study, 68 major QTLs of 12 important traits of soybean were analyzed.
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