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营养雾(nutrient-mist)亦称‘雾肥’(mist-fertilizer),是本世纪40年代开始发展起来的扦插技术之一。它既可为插条地上的局部环境增加湿度,又可通过叶片给插条提供适量的营养物质。据国外报道,营养雾对很多种植物的插条有促进根分化以及生长的作用。本试验旨在研究吲哚丁酸(Indolebutyric acid,简称IBA)及营养雾对菊花插条生根的联合影响。以菊花‘小黄’(Dendranthema morifolium cv.‘Small Yellow’)为试材,选取健壮的枝条顶段做插条,长8.0±0.5cm,剪口在节下2 mm处,45°角斜切。IBA浓度设 0、500、1000、1500、2000ppm。营养雾(20—15-19)浓度设0、400、800、1200ppm。采用5×4双因子完全随机设计,总计20个处理,每处理 3次重复,每重复4根插条。将插条分别速蘸IBA液5 s,浸入深度2cm,对照蘸清水。然后插于内装蛭石的聚丙烯塑料钵中,扦插深度3 cm。试验在顶部遮寒冷纱的温室内进行。日平均气温为27—32℃(8:0—17:0),根部平均温度为18—22℃。日平均光照强度为20.6—105.3×10~21x(8:0—17:0)。喷营养雾时间,每日上午8:15—11:15,下午2:15—5:15。使用上海产0.6型压缩式喷雾器,每15min喷雾一次,每次喷5s,对照以同样方式喷清水。扦插10天后,进行根长度、总根数、茎叶鲜重等项指标的测定。 Nutrient-mist, also known as mist-fertilizer, is one of the cutting technologies that began to develop in the 1940s. It can not only add moisture to the local environment of the cuttings, but also provide appropriate amount of nutrients to the cuttings through the leaves. According to foreign reports, nutrient fog on many plant cuttings promote root differentiation and growth. The purpose of this study was to investigate the combined effect of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and nutrient fog on the rooting of chrysanthemum cuttings. In the experiment, Dendranthema morifolium cv.’Small Yellow ’was used as the test material, and the top of robust branches was selected to be 8.0 ± 0.5cm in length. The incision was cut at 2 mm under the node and chamfered at 45 ° . IBA concentration set 0,500,1000,1500,2000 ppm. Nutritional mist (20-15-19) concentration set 0,400,800,1200 ppm. A 5 × 4 two-factor, completely randomized design, for a total of 20 treatments, with 3 replicates per treatment and 4 replicates per replicate. The inserts were dipped in IBA liquid speed 5 s, immersion depth 2cm, control dipped in water. Then inserted in a polypropylene plastic bowl filled with vermiculite, cutting depth 3 cm. The test was carried out in the greenhouse at the top of the shelter. The average daily temperature is 27-32 ℃ (8: 0-17: 0), the average root temperature of 18-22 ℃. The average daily light intensity is 20.6-105.3 × 10 ~ 21x (8: 0-17: 0). Spray nourishment fog time, daily morning 8: 15-11: 15, afternoon 2: 15-5: 15. The use of Shanghai-0.6 compression sprayer, spray every 15min, each spray 5s, the same control spray water. Ten days after cutting, root length, total number of roots, fresh weight of stems and leaves and other indicators were measured.
我逆行了rn福建省三明市列东中学 罗邦鸿rn要看一个人秀不秀,就看他的寒假糗不糗.rn忘了是早晨还是下午,我正在大街上慢悠悠地骑着车.街上车水马龙,我只好拐进边上的一条小路
资源价格改革不可能一蹴而就,应该总体设计,分步骤、分阶段实施,因地制宜,选准突破口,避免大的震动,在改革和稳定之间找到平衡点,协调各种利益关系 The reform of resource
当今社会,固然有沉渣浮沫,但各行各业英雄模范人物如雨后春笋般迅猛地成长,却正是祖国土壤肥沃、生机勃发的印证;他们,是祖国繁荣昌盛的中坚! 这里记述的是国家特大型企业平