
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:askloopp1
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我是从事医药商品价格管理的。目前医药市场回扣让利盛行,作为生产厂家来说,近80%以上的药品出厂价格没有到位,而医院以低于批发价格购进的药品,却还是按原来制定的零售价格配售给病人,如常用抗生素20万单位每支2毫升的丁胺卡那霉素针剂,规定出厂、批发、零售价格分别为2.82元、3.48元、4.00元,而现在工厂实际销售价格只有1.30元左右,医院的进货价不过2元左右,可是配售给病人的按每支4.00元的价格计算(按规定医院配售价格是在批发价格基础上加15%的批零差率确定)。同样,0.1克×12片铝简包装的乙酰螺旋霉素片每合出厂、 I am engaged in the price management of pharmaceutical products. At present, rebates are widely used in the pharmaceutical market. As a manufacturer, nearly 80% of the ex-factory prices of medicines are not in place, and medicines purchased by hospitals at prices below the wholesale prices are still allocated to patients at the retail prices that were originally established. Antibiotics 200,000 units each 2 ml of amikacin injection, the provisions of the factory, wholesale, retail prices were 2.82 yuan, 3.48 yuan, 4.00 yuan, and now the actual sales price of the factory is only about 1.30 yuan, the hospital’s purchase price However, about 2 yuan, but the price of 4.00 yuan per side for the distribution of patients to calculate (according to the provisions of the hospital placement price is based on the wholesale price plus 15% of the wholesale and retail to determine the difference). Similarly, 0.1g x 12 pieces of aluminum acetyl spiramycin tablets per shipment,
研究人员宣称要在未来10年里搜集有关地球上180万个物种的信息,放在网上供人们免费使用。 Researchers claim to collect information on 1.8 million species on Earth ove
The Olympic Museum is the museum of an idea. This idea was 99 years old on the inaugural1 day, 23rd June 1993, and this date coincides with2 the foundation of t
“吃米买‘金冠’,家私要‘联邦’”。这是去年年底《羊城晚报》一篇论名牌效应中的一句话。这种公众的购买心理与市场效应,对刻意塑造企业形象的联邦家私装 “Eat rice to
有句台词说:“你该尽情地跳舞,好像没有人在看一樣;你该尽情地爱人,好像从来不会受伤害一样。”  多年前,我跟一位同学谈话。那时,他太太刚去世不久,他告诉我,他在整理太太东西的时候,发现了一条丝质的围巾,是他们去纽约旅游时,在一家名牌店买的。  那是一条雅致、漂亮的名牌围巾,高昂的价格标签还挂在上面,他太太一直舍不得用,她想等一个特殊的日子才用。  讲到这里,他停住了,我也没接话。好一会儿过后,他说