总参动员部就2007年度民兵组织整顿工作下发通知要求——制定措施 科学安排 突出重点 狠抓落实

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向国祥、记者吴维满报道:为贯彻落实国务院、中央军委关于“十一五”期间我军后备力量建设发展的指示要求和总参谋部《关于调整民兵组织的意见》,认真抓好民兵组织调整任务的落实,切实搞好2007年度民兵组织整顿工作,日前总参动员部下发通知就有关问题提出了要求。结合实际制定贯彻落实文件精神的措施。总参谋部《关于调整民兵组织的意见》,是民兵建设贯彻国务院、中央军委关于我军后备力量建设发展要求的实际步骤,是当前和今后一个时期民兵组织建设的一个重要指导性文件。各级军区和人武部门要认真组织学习,紧密结合实际,研究制定贯彻落实文件精神的具体措施,并结合2007年度民兵组织整顿,有计划、分步骤抓好调整任务的落实。军区要提出贯彻落实的具 Xiang Guoxiang and reporter Wu Weimin reported that in order to implement the instructions of the State Council and the Central Military Commission regarding the construction and improvement of the reserve forces of our armed forces during the 11th Five-Year Plan and the General Staff Headquarters’s Opinions on Adjusting the Militias, The implementation of the task, earnestly do a good job in the consolidation of the militia in 2007, a few days ago issued a circular on the relevant issues raised by the mobilization department of the General Staff. Combine with the actual formulation of measures to implement the spirit of the document. The General Staff’s “Opinion on Adjusting the Militias” is a practical guide for the militia in building and implementing the requirements formulated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission for the construction of the reserve forces in our army. It is an important guiding document for the militia building in the current and in the coming period. The military regions and armed forces departments at all levels should conscientiously organize their studies, closely study the actual measures and formulate specific measures to implement the spirit of the document. Combining with the consolidation of the militia in 2007, we will do a good job of adjusting the tasks in a planned and step-by-step manner. The military region should put forward the plan for its implementation
从“刚性为主”向“刚柔相济”转变,充分运用说理式执法文书、行政负责人约谈、执法回访等载体,在执法的各个环节向当事人说明事理、说通情理、说透法理……说理式执法大大提高了案件的结案率和执行到位率,减少了社会矛盾,避免了不必要的行政复议和行政诉讼。       “你们把道理说得这么清楚,把法律规定讲得这么透彻,我心服口服。”2010年6月17日,杭州某机床制造公司的总经理俞某握着杭州市质量技术监督局执法
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