年产200t PAN碳纤维及500t原丝项目设计

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如今,随着由工业时代进入信息时代,烟囱林立、浓烟滚滚已不再是社会繁荣、城市现代化的象征。现代社会的发展对工业建筑提出了新的更高的要求,即:工业建筑要具有空间的物质性和建筑形态艺术性的双重内涵。如何既满足功能的要求,又体现出建筑形态的美感,并且最大程度达到内在空间的适宜尺度,体现现代社会的人文关怀,是现代工业建筑设计师的目标和责任。笔者曾设计了很多工业建筑,通过不断地学习、尝试和实践,在将工业建筑的功能、美观和舒适相结合方面积累了一定的经验。以下介绍安徽华皖碳纤维有限公司年产200tPAN碳纤维及500t原丝项目设计实例。 Nowadays, with the chimney lined up in the information age from the industrial age, the smoke billowing is no longer a symbol of social prosperity and urban modernization. The development of modern society has put forward new and higher requirements for industrial architecture. That is to say, industrial buildings should have both the materiality of space and the artistic connotation of architectural forms. How to meet the functional requirements, reflect the aesthetics of the architectural form, and reach the appropriate scale of the inner space to the greatest extent so as to embody the humane care of the modern society are the goals and responsibilities of modern industrial architects. I have designed many industrial buildings and gained some experience in combining the functions, appearance and comfort of industrial buildings through constant study, experimentation and practice. The following describes the Anhui Huayan Carbon Fiber Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 200tPAN carbon fiber and 500t raw silk project design examples.
本文系统介绍了日本经营学的发展历史,以及经营学的有关学术流派,尤其分析了涉泽荣一的“论语与算盘”的观点,并由此而引起了对建立中国经营学的思考。 This paper systemat
现代经济法自产生之日起,在诸多理论问题上就存在着较大争议。其中经济法的价值取向是争论的一个焦点。 这一问题的探讨对经济法学理论上的成熟是非常必要的。 经济法的价值
当初,“微软之父”比尔·盖茨辞去公司CEO职务时,除了几个最知心的合作者,其他人对他的这一抉择表示反对与猜疑,有些竞争对手甚至幸灾乐祸地断定,微软高层出现了裂痕。 但事
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本文就砼结构课程教学中单筋矩形截面梁正截面承载力计算中有关截面的设计问题阐明了几种解题方法与技巧。 In this paper, concrete structure of the teaching of single-