
来源 :财会月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haoz8
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江西铜鼓县是老苏区之一,全县职工只有8000余人。1985年以前,县总工会的经费收入每年只有4.5万元,上解后存额不足3万元,一些正常活动的开支都难以维持下去。县总经审会换届之后,认真研究了这种状况,提出必须在“收”字上下功,发挥对工会经费“审、帮、促”,的作用。他们与财务部门紧密配合,组织力量,对全县每个基层工会单位逐一上门,宣传党和国家有关工会经费的法令和政策,摸清“工资总额”的基数,核实应拨应解的经费数额,并催促这些单位补足欠交的经费。县总经审委员方沧兰同志,原是审计局的干部,年近半百,工作认真负责,她结合本职工作,跑了一百多个单位,催收漏交的工 Tonggu County, Jiangxi Province is one of the Soviet Union, the county workers only 8,000 people. Prior to 1985, the county general union income of only 45,000 yuan per year, after the deposit amount of less than 30,000 yuan, some of the costs of normal activities are difficult to maintain. After the General Procuratorial Review, the county has carefully studied this situation and proposed that it must work hard in the “closing” and give play to the function of “trial, assistance and promotion” of trade union funds. In close coordination with the finance department, they organize forces to go home one by one to each unit of grass-roots trade union in the county to publicize the party’s and the state’s decrees and policies on the expenses of trade unions, ascertain the base of “total wages”, verify the amount of funds due And urged these units to make up for their outstanding contributions. County CEF member comrade Canglan, originally audited by cadres, nearly half a year, serious and responsible work, combined with her own work, she ran more than a hundred units, reminding leaked workers
本文就我院收集的18例(siogren’s Syndrome,简称SS)并发神经系统损害病例做一分析. In this paper, 18 cases collected in our hospital (siogren’s Syndrome, referred
临床观察和动物研究提出:锰在中枢神经系统积聚是慢性肝性脑病(CHE)的一个特征。本文研究肝功能衰竭患者全血锰浓度、死后脑 Clinical observations and animal studies su
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