加强国际学术交流 提高教学科研水平

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石河子农学院作为部属农垦系统的高等农业院校,为了适应边疆农垦事业现代化发展的需要,十分注重对现有老专业的提高并积极发展新学科,不断提高教学科研水平。近年来,积极贯彻对外开放的政策,在上级部门的领导和支持下,以多种渠道开展对外学术交流活动,已取得一定成效。我院除了积极利用外籍文教专家经费,世界银行贷款,有计划地引进国外智力、设备并充分发挥其效益之外,还十分注意开辟多种渠道,不断扩大民间的国际交往活动。邀请各国高等院校、学术团体的专家学者来我院座谈交流,作学术报告,了解各国农业教育科研的新信息、新技术,借鉴国外的先进经验,为我院教育科研服务,提高教学科研水平。今年来,我院邀请了来自美国、日本、南斯拉夫、荷兰等国的专家来院进行了讲学、座谈等学术交流活动,取得了一定的成效,并保持了今后的联系。 In order to meet the needs of the modernization of frontier agriculture and land reclamation, Shihezi Agricultural College attaches great importance to the improvement of existing professional fields and actively develops new disciplines, so as to continuously improve the teaching and research level. In recent years, with the active implementation of the policy of opening up to the outside world, we have achieved some success in carrying out foreign academic exchange activities through various channels under the leadership and support of the superior departments. In addition to making active use of the funding of foreign cultural and educational experts and the World Bank loans, the Institute has introduced in a planned way intelligence and equipment from other countries and brought its efficiency into full play. We have also paid great attention to opening up various channels and constantly expanding non-governmental activities in international exchanges. We invite experts and scholars from universities and academic institutions in various countries to come to our institute for discussion and exchange, make academic reports, learn about new information and technologies in agricultural education and research in various countries, learn advanced experience from other countries, serve education and research in our hospital, and improve the level of teaching and research . This year, our institute invited experts from the United States, Japan, Yugoslavia and the Netherlands to come to the academy to conduct academic exchanges such as giving lectures and seminars and achieved some results and maintained future contacts.
苹果公司的iPhone手机相信大家都不陌生,它的触摸屏设计令人印象深刻。毕竟,再方便的操作系统,也没有自己的手指灵活自如。事实上,科学家们对于触觉技术的研究已进行了几十年,1983年推出的惠普150电脑就首次使用了触摸屏技术。而且,早在台式电脑普及之前,初始的触摸屏就已在ATM机上出现,为用户带来更加直观和友好的体验。  不过,早期的触觉技术并没有办法让用户直接感觉到屏幕上出现了什么状况,直到19
李元红 硕士,主任医师,业务副院长,恩施州心血管专业学科带头人,毕业于湖北医科大学。湖北省有突出贡献的中青年专家。湖北省有政府特殊津贴,湖北省心血管学会委员,湖北省心
Taking account of the thermal-diffusion (Soret) and the diffusion-themo (Dufour) effects, the properties of the heat and mass transfers in a strongly endothermi